OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN m* se 2. erlffla ABeietant Cririwl Dietrict Attorney iiilleboro,Texae xour letter 0 ed to thle Dopart- ment, requesting aa y reaeired. The pertinent portion8 t eehool die- the ueo of a katiag rink, the the eehool, the ml ele8tlon ehere- building we to be rim end claeemmn ur attention to Article 27294 Artlale s 'louwill note from the protieione oi)ed that the echo01 trueteee have eti over the we of echo01 bulldlnge. Artiale 293g that ecbool trueteee er In their discretion to authorlee the ding8 for eiric, eocial, recreational and community gatherlnge, as In their opinion doe8 sot interfere with the present uee a? the lcbool building8 or property. We bare found no etatuto Erich prohibit8 school true- tee8 of au Independent e&o01 dietrlGt from pslaitting the echo01 gymneeim troP being ueod for the purpoeee a8 8et out la your letter. . . : Air. & Y. Griffin, January al, 1939, pege 2 It is therefore the opinion oi this Department, and you are accordingly advised, that the trustees would bate authority to authorize the use of the school bJnnee- lum for a public ekatiug rink, and accept fees therefrom, provided that such use f30eanot interfere rith the pre- sent use of said ecfioolbuilding or property fir eehool purposes. Tours very truly ATTOMR'T GElElUL OI TEZAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion