OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Janus III,1989 Eononble Allen 0. Pil8OII D.w ,Attorner Borfne, Ten0 will una fou fou prement ed. st an opinion,it ith the rbquoatfor a npuert that you do not BJ LRIRdLCU;.,, AS#ldant tebxuary 7, 1939 Ho-able Allen 0. Wilson CountJ Attornb~ Roorne, Texas DearMr.WIl~n OpInlo5Ro. o-lu R~;ru$IrIoation or Deputy Your lettsrof January 12, lOsO, requestinga5 opI5Ion has bean rmaaivad by this Department. The portlnentportio5sor 'fourlbttsrbeing as ?ollowsr *On January1 a 5ew sherift,oolleotor and as- seasor assunmdthb duties I5 this oountyanb being lnsxpsrlenoed he has appointedas ens o? MS depu- ties a man whose resldenoe is outsldbthis oounty. *I m&Q like to hare rour opinionas to whetheror not tillsis legal aad timether he oe pay this person out o? the fees o? offloe or whetherhe oan only employ him to assist and pay htm out o? his pareonal funds. Furthor, is a deputy supposedto hare the sams quall?IcatIo5s as to rssldenoe, lto ., a sthe eleotedoifloer.n Zt 18 the opl5lon o? this Department,a5d fou are so ad- ~lsed that it would be lsgal ior the shsri??to employas a do ty a parson vbc~is a aon-resldmt o? the sountyi In this oonneot r 05, It Is assumedthat the &puty,opon appointment, has aore& or dll move, his resldenae to the aountl where he expeots to sem, oo1- plyingwith Artlole16, Seotlon14, ot the Oonstltutlon. Thb statutes of Texas do not presorlbsa5y spsolilo @aal- %?IoatIoasSor a deputy sherl??. Be Is apowered to perrorm the dutieso? the shsrlir,and upon his appointmentto tlm orrloe,bs is requiredto take the oath that 1s a&sInIsteredto other pub110 otilolalsas 1s prmldsd In Artlole16, SeotlonI, o? the Co5stl- tutlonor the Stats of Texas. I? he OM mast the qualifloatlons or this oath, he oan legallypualifras a deputJrshsrlf?. Rshmsl ts. Roam% of.Suprs.,134 R.W. 596 (Iowa). See also, Barkreadervs. State,33 S.R. 117. Hon. Allen C. Wilson, ?ebruary7, 1939, Page 2 In ssswer to t&s queetlon with r8ferenOb to how the deputy should bs aid, your attention is dlrootsd to Artisle 3902, Rerlssd OlrP1 Statutesof Texas, whloh protldss the marl- mum amoulltto,b8 paid to deputy 8horirr8. It is the opiel05.0r this Department, snd you are so advised, that salarlss should be paid out or the fees of offloe. Tours rbry truly ATTORNRYORIQCRAL OF TEXAS APPROVED: A!lTORNZY O?!X?ERAT. Oi