Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

,. OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN, llv PobrlaarY lo* 1939 Hon. Brad xnrt1s;l uaistant crlaln8l Ustrlct Attorney I*CLannan county daoo, Ter;rs Deer sir8 aynoAy3ioua rith tha r . 1 Frooedure, annsat- shall be rrllowod , . .* oaAmj;aAae, lop a dlo or by rsllmw 73$ a all~.~ Aa far a8 oan bo det6rminrd, Seotiar! 9 si Xrtlele lO65 ha8 not bean con8tmaodby thr court8 of thlrrstate par- taining tc your Quaatlon. %a. Bred Xartloy, Pebruary 10, 1939, Pa&o 2 XB la nuraury t8 &tolmlAe tha loglalAtiv* la- t@At irr all- the tat Qmt of par qaaatlcul 88’ to alleag8 allowed whom two or iam0 uoh prlammn ara eon- reyad kr the same trip. AttUltiOA b 0aU.d to. L.&aAeta of tha 2&h La&a&turo, 1895, 4t rhlch tiao OPT pr8sMt Ma. 9 of nrtlcla 1065, aboro quoted, w8a added. Prior thermto, no pr~~lalon exlated ~uthorl.xlng thr ,Pilaage tee8 in ahdolpermor 06808. .. .