Mr. R. A. MoElmth
Cooke County
Dear Mr. MoElrath: Oplnlon No. 09.
Ra: Beglatmtlon of out ot
State Motor Vehlole8
Your letter ot Deoember 29, 1938, addressed to the At-
torney.Oeneral ot Texas ha8 been reierred to the writer tor at-
tention. The pertinent portions ot your letter are as tollomr
-1 understand that the Sohlumbergem dwell Survey-
lng Corporation1s a Texas oorporatlon wlth its prln-
olpal ottioe in Houston, Terns, maintaining garages
in iarlone pleoes la Tents, and malntalnlng in Texas
a total ot titty-tlve truoks bearingTexas lloenses.
"This oom?any has one or more truoks permanently
looated at Ardmore, Oklahoma, licensed and used in-that
stllte. Oooaslonally the truok or truoks In question
are used in some other Stata where said coz~panyhas no
truok avallable at the ~moment,and reoently said OOEI-
p,anp had oooaslon to so use the Ardmore truok in Cooke
County, Texas. I undeistand lt has been used several
times in Cooke County, Texas, and on e reoent oooaslon
the looal Iii&way Trattlo Oftloerdscucded registmtlon
ot the truok In Texm.
-Pa&s 116 OS the 1937 aomplled State Highway Com-
mlselon of Texas Laws Relating to tfotor Vehloles, High-
way Traffic and Raglstretion, proolaes in effeot that
motor vehicles proparly lloonsed In another State and
aperated for hire rzny be allowed to We not exoecdin;:
two trips during any aalendor month and remain on said
trips wlthln the State ot Texas not to exoeed four days,
! :
4Ir.R. A. Mooglrath,
Jamary 10, 1939, page E
'It appears t&t Oklehom .hae no law almllarly 6
wantln(r, vehioles registered in Toxns the right to
make trips lnto Oklahomawithout registering then.
“The named oorporatlon
aoknowledger the law
would apply to it but for the toot that it 10 a
Texas oorporatlon, but ln view thorooi 1s ot the
opinion that the law wss not meant to apply to a
Texas industrybavlnga branoh ottloe in the Stnte
of Oklah- and oooaslo~lly and la nooordanoe wlth
the above-aentloned law operating its truok or truoka
~?ermanently looated ln Oklahoma wlthln the State ot
nUndar the above toots and oontentlons please
advise whether 6r not tho truok ln question should
be -registered la Texas ii it makes not to exoeed
two trips per month end remains not more than four
days in Texa8. Or should said truok ba exemptun-
der the provisiona ot the law above-mentioned, or ‘.
The statonent ot taots as stated ln your letter falls
to state whethor or not the truoke Of the above named oompany
are being oporatedtor oompensetlonand hire.
Artlole 827b. Section 2, ot the Penal Code provides
that motor vehloles registered under the laws ot another state,
and being oporated tor oompensatlon and hire, ~111 be permitted
to come into Texas two trips per month, end not to stay ia ex-
oess of four days on any one trlp, providing truok operator8
from Texas oporatlng for compensation aa3 hire are granted the
saze prlrllege under the laws of the other state. The State of
Oklahoma doas not grant this prlvllege to OperatOrs from Texas;
therefore, lf the truoks in question are bolng operated tor aom-
peceatlon and him they would not be peztitted to enter Texas
without being properly registeredunder the laws ot the Stute of
TBXES, and you are so advise&
It the truoke in question aro not being operated tor
oompensetlon and hire, it 1s my oplnlon, and you are 80 advleed,
that the operators ot the truoks oould alke oooaslonal trips into
Texas by tlrtuo or the provl~elona ot Artiola 827b. Seotlone 1 and
5. of the Penal Code or Texas without registeringin the State ot
: :
. . .
, !,I:,:(
l&c R. A. MoXlreth,January10, 1939, page 8
I trust that thle opinioneuiiloienclyaiubvferr
inquiry. .
Your0 vary truly