Steck v. Secretary of Health and Human Services

In the United States Court of Federal Claims OFFICE OF SPECIAL MASTERS ******************** * ROGER M. STECK, * * No. 16-177V Petitioner, * Special Master Christian J. Moran * v. * Filed: June 27, 2017 * SECRETARY OF HEALTH * Stipulation; Tetanus vaccine; AND HUMAN SERVICES, * Hepatitis A vaccine; Hepatitis B * vaccine; Guillain-Barré * syndrome (“GBS”). Respondent. * ******************** * Steven M. Cohen, HoganWillig, Getzville, NY, for Petitioner; Darryl R. Wishard, United States Dep’t of Justice, Washington, DC, for Respondent. UNPUBLISHED DECISION1 On June 27, 2017, the parties filed a joint stipulation concerning the petition for compensation filed by Roger M. Steck on February 5, 2016. In his petition, petitioner alleged that the tetanus, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B vaccines, which are contained in the Vaccine Injury Table (the “Table”), 42 C.F.R. §100.3(a), and which he received on June 27, 2013, caused him to suffer Guillain-Barré syndrome. Petitioner further alleges that he suffered the residual effects of this injury for more than six months. Petitioner represents that there has been no prior award or settlement of a civil action for damages on his behalf as a result of his condition. 1 The E-Government Act, 44 U.S.C. § 3501 note (2012) (Federal Management and Promotion of Electronic Government Services), requires that the Court post this decision on its website. Pursuant to Vaccine Rule 18(b), the parties have 14 days to file a motion proposing redaction of medical information or other information described in 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-12(d)(4). Any redactions ordered by the special master will appear in the document posted on the website. Respondent denies that the vaccines either caused or significantly aggravated petitioner’s alleged injury or any other injury, and denies that petitioner's current disabilities are the result of a vaccine-related injury. Nevertheless, the parties agree to the joint stipulation, attached hereto. The undersigned finds said stipulation reasonable and adopts it as the decision of the Court in awarding damages, on the terms set forth therein. Damages awarded in that stipulation include: A lump sum payment of $700,000.00 in the form of a check payable to petitioner, Roger M. Steck. This amount represents compensation for all damages that would be available under 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-15(a). In the absence of a motion for review filed pursuant to RCFC, Appendix B, the clerk is directed to enter judgment in case 16-177V according to this decision and the attached stipulation.2 IT IS SO ORDERED. s/Christian J. Moran Christian J. Moran Special Master 2 Pursuant to Vaccine Rule 11(a), the parties can expedite entry of judgment by each party filing a notice renouncing the right to seek review by a United States Court of Federal Claims judge. 2 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS OFFICE OF SPECIAL MASTERS ) ROGE R M . ST EC K. ) ) Petiti oner. ) No. I 6- I 77 Y F:C F ) v. ) Spec ial M aster Moran ) EC RETA RY OF HEALTll ) A D H UM A SE RV ICE . ) ) Respondent. ) _ _ _______ ____ __ ) STIPULATION The parti es hereby stipulate to the fo l lowing mailers: I. Petiti oner. Roger M. Steck. fil ed a petition f()r vaccin e compensation under the Nati onal Vacc ine Injury Compensati on Program. 42 U . .C. ~~ 300aa- I 0 to 34 (the "Vacc ine Program"). T he petition seek compensation fo r injurie alleged ly related to petitioner' s recei pt o f the tetanus. hepatiti s A . and hepatitis B vacc ines ("vacc ines"). w hich are contained in the Vaccine Injury Tab le (the "Tab le" ). 42 C. F.R. ~ I 00.3(a). 1 2. O n June 27. 20 13. petitioner rece ived the vaccines. 3. T he vaccines were admini stered" ithin the United Stale . 4. Petitioner alleges that. as a result o f receiv ing the vaccin es. he suffered fro m Guillain-Barre syndro me ("G BS" ). and that he expe ri enced symptoms o f thi s injury for more than six months. 5. Petitioner represents that there has been no pri or award or settlement o r a civ il acti on I l'c.:titionc.:r also rc.:cci\C.:U the t~ rhniu \rogrn rn . for damages as a resul t o f hi alleged injuries. 6. Respondent denies that th e vacc ines either caused or signifi cantl y aggravated petitioner' s alleged injury or any other injury. and denies that peti t ioner ·s current di ab ilities arc the result o f a vacc ine-related inj ury. 7. Maintain ing their above-stated positions. the parties nevertheless now agree that the issues bet ween them shall be settled and that a decision should be entered awardin g the compensatio n described in paragraph 8 of" thi s Stipulation. 8. A s soon as practicable after an entry of'j udgment refl ecting a decision consistent wi th the terms o f thi s Stipulation. and after petitioner has fil ed an election to receive compensation pu rsuant to 42 U.S.C. ~ 300aa-2 I (a)( I ). the Sec retary o r Hea lth and Hum an ervices w ill issue the fo llow ing vaccine compensatio n payment: A lump sum o f $700.000.00. in the form o r a check payable to petitio ner. Thi s amount represents compensation for all damages that \\ Ou Id be availab le under .f2 U .S.C. ~ 300aa- I 5{a). 9. A s soo n as practicable after the entry o f"judgmcnt on entitl ement in thi s case. and aft er petitioner has fil ed both a proper and tim ely election to receive compensation pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Section 300aa-2 I (a)( I ). and an app li cati o n. the parties wi ll submit to further proceedings before the special master to award reasonab le attorn eys· fees and costs incurred in proceed ing upon th is pet ition. I 0. Petitio ner and his attorney represent that compensation to be prov ided pursuant to th is Stipul ation is not for any items or services for'' hich the Program is not prim aril y l iable under 42 U .S .C. ~ 300aa- I 5(g). to the ex tent that payment has been made or can reasonabl y be expected to be made und er any State compensation program s. insurance po licies. Federal or 2 tate health benefits program s (other than Title X I X o f the Social Securit y Act (42 U.S.C. § 1396 et seq.)). or by entities that provide hea lth serv ices on a pre-pa id basis. 11 . Payment made pursuant to paragraph 8 o f thi s Stipu lation. and any amounts awarded pursuant to paragraph 9 of thi s Stipulation. w ill be made in accord ance w ith 42 U.S.C. § 300aa- l 5( i). subject to the avai labi lity o f sufficient statutory fund s. 12. The parti es and their attorn eys further agree and stipulate that. except for an) award for attorn eys· fee s and liti gati on costs. the money provided pursuant to thi s Stipulati on w ill be used so lel y for the benefit of petitioner. as contemplated by a strict construction o f -l2 U.S.C. § 300aa- l 5(a) and (d). and subj ect to the conditio ns o r 42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-l 5(g) and (h). 13. In return for the payments de cribed in paragraphs 8 and 9. petitioner. in hi s indiv idual capaci ty and on behalf o f his heirs. executors. ad ministrators. successors or ass igns. does foreve r irrevocably and unconditionally release. acq uit and di scharge the United States and the Secretary o f Health and Human Services from any and all acti ons. ca uses o f action (inc lud in g agreements. judgments. c laims. damage . loss o r serv ices. expenses and all demand s o r whatever kind or nature) that have been brought. could have been brought. or could be timely brought in th e Court of Federal C laims. und er the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. 42 U.S.C. § 300aa- I 0 et seq .. on account o f. or in any \\ a)' growing out o r any and all known or unknown. suspected or unsuspected personal injuries to o r death o f petiti oner resulting fro m. o r alleged to have resul ted from. the vaccines ad ministered on June 27. 20 13. as alleged by pet itioner in a petit ion fo r vaccine compensation fi led on or about February 5. 20 16. in the United States Court of Federa l Claims as petition N o. l 6- I 77V. 14. I f petitioner shoul d die prior to entr) o r judgment. thi s agreement shall be voidab le 3 upon proper notice to the Court on behal f of either or both o f th e parti es . 15. l f the special ma ter fa il s to issue a dec ision in complete confo rmity w ith the terms of thi s tipulati on or if the Court of Federal C laim fa ils to enter judgment in conformity " ith a decisio n that is in complete conformit y with the term s o f thi s Stipulati on. then the parties· settlement and thi s Stipu lation shall be voidabl e at the so le di scretion o r either party. 16. T his Stipulati on ex pre ses a full and compl ete negotiated settl ement o f liab ilit) and damages claim ed under the ational Childhood Vacc ine Injury Act o f 1986. as amended. except as otherw ise noted in paragraph 9 above . There is ab o lutely no agreement on the part o f th e parti es hereto to make any payment or to do any act or thing other than is herein express!) stated and clearl y agreed to. T he parti es further agree and understand that the award described in this stipulation may reflect a compromise o f the parti es· respecti ve positions as to liability and/o r amount o f damages. and further. that a change in the nature o f the inj ury or condition or in the items o r com pensation sought. is not grounds to modify or rev ise thi s agreement. 17. T hi s Stipulati on shall not be construed as an admi ss ion by the Un ited States or the Secretary o f Hea lth and Human Servi ces that the vaccines received by petitio ner either caused or significantl y aggravated petiti oner's alleged injury or any other injury. 18. A ll ri ghts and obligations of petitio ner hereunder shall appl y equally to petitioner·s heirs. executors. administrators. successors. and/or a signs. END OF STIPULATION Respectfully submi tted, PETITI ONER: - / ri:· Dc , ., /?/ '- ~-/CC k__ 1 ROGER M-. STECK ATTOR NEY OF RF.COR D FOR AUTHO RI ZED REPRESF.NTATI VE PETITI ONER: OF T HE ATTOR NEY GENER AL: ~·· ~ ./ //'/ -·/L _-- ~N MICHAEL COHEN CATHAR INE E. REEVES Hogan Wil lig S i-... vc. "1 /0. G.Y l ·.e-i Deputy Director 24 10 North forest Road, Sui te 20 I Torts 13 ranch Amhers t, NY 14068 Civ il Division (7 16) 636- 7600 U.S. Department of Justi<.:e P.O. Box 146 Benjamin franklin Station Washington. DC 20044-0 146 ATTOR NEY OF RECORD FOR OF THE SE Rli:SPONDENT: AND~UM /.( ~- ... DARRYL R. WISHl\RD Director, Division o f Injury Scnior Trial At lorncy Compensation Program s Torts Brandi Heal thca re Systems Bureau Civil Division U.S. Department of Health U.S. Departm ent of Justice and Human Services P.O. Box 146 5600 Fishers Lane Benjamin Frankli n Station Parklaw n Building, Mail Stop 08N 14611 Was hington, DC 20044-0 146 Rockvil le, MD 20857 Tel: (202) 616-4357 Dated: 5 Respectful ly submitted. PETITION ER: ROG M . STECK ATTO RNEY OF RECORD FOR AUTHORI ZED RE PRESENT A TI VE PETITION ER: OF T HE ATTORNE Y GENERAL : STE~ N M ICI IAEL COHF. l loganWillig ) t .... .,,c....., ,,1.--f w l......r1 Deput) Director 2.+ I 0 onh Forest Road. Suite 20 I Torts Branch /\mherst. NY I .+068 Ci,·il Di\' ision (7 16) 636-7600 U.S. Department or Justice P.O. 11ox 146 Benjamin Frank lin Station Washington. DC 20044-0146 AUTHORI ZED R EPR ESENTATI VE ATTOR NEY OF RECO RD FO R OF THE SEC RETA RY OF HEALTH RESPON DENT : AND HlJMAN SE RV I CES: N/\ RA Y /\N A IR. M.D DARRYi. R. WISI 11\RD Di rector. Divis ion of lnjur) Senior Trial .'\ttorne\ Compen sati on Progra ms Ton s Branch I lea lthcare System s Bureau Ci"il Divi sion U.S. Depa11ment o f Hea lth ll .S. Department of Justice and 1lurnan Services P.O . Box 146 5600 Fi shers Lane Benjamin Franklin Stat ion Park la" n Building. Mail Stop 08 146B Washington. DC 20044-0146 Rock\ ille. MD 20857 Tel : (202) 616-4 ~57 Dated: 5