T'LlD IN Trie CO'U:-. I J-f' _Ar 4*'' Court of Appeals of Texas, Sah Arii:5nio 20nNOV-l PH5:0 I JOHN DEVILBISS, Appellant, ;• •••.; 7 M-l! Vi F / V. MAJORIE BURCH, Appellee Court of Appeals # 04-16-00711-CV APPELLANT'S REPLY BRIEF November 1, 2017 On appeal from the County Court at Law 3, sitting in Bexar County, Texas, the Honorable David J. Rodriguez. County-Court Case # 2016-CV-04843 (Case heard in County Court at Law 11, before the Honorable Judge Tommy Stolhandske presiding.) Appellant John DeVilbiss, indigent Pro Se, No home address. Mailing address: 11765 West Ave., PMB #102,San Antonio, TX 78216, Tel.(210) 986-1240, no Fax #.