Wordsmith Reporting
Kaetheryne B. Kyriell, CSR Cell Phone: (979) 571-3720
12/11/2017 8:00:00 AM
PO Box 3802 Fax: (979) 314-7135
Bryan, Texas 77805 E-mail: kkyriell@gmail.com
December 9, 2017
Carol Anne Harley, Clerk of Court
Ninth Court of Appeals
1001 Pearl St., Suite 330
Beaumont, TX 77701-3552
RE: Trial Court Cause No. 16-09-10238-CV;
Ninth Court of Appeals Case No. 09-17-00444-CV;
Kristin D. Wilkinson v. Commission for Lawyer Discipline ;
284th District Court, Montgomery County, Texas
Hon. Carol Anne Harley,
In reference to this reporter’s record, I am the court reporter who
took the jury trial in this matter. It’s my understanding that there are three
other court reporters that also have hearings that have been designated.
I wanted to advise the court that although Ms. Wilkinson has
previously in the past requested estimates of cost for various portions of my
record and I have advised her those estimates, no other payment
arrangements have been made with me. I also am not aware at this time of
payment arrangements with any of the other reporters for their portions.
To assist Ms. Wilkinson in making payment arrangements, I will be
preparing an invoice and transmitting it to Ms. Wilkinson for the amount of
the cost of the preparation of my part of the reporter’s record now that I
have received the designation of record from the official court reporter of
the 284th District Court. It’s my belief the other reporters are
communicating with Ms. Wilkinson regarding payment arrangements as well.
With regard to the designation of the reporter’s record, Ms. Wilkinson
requested that the original hard copies of the exhibits be substituted in lieu
of copies of the exhibits. Since the reporter’s record is to be transmitted to
the appellate court electronically, I do not believe I can transmit the original
hard copies through the TAMES portal. It’s my belief that I will have to take
the original hard copies of the exhibits and reduce them into an electronic
format to be able to include them in the reporter’s record for this matter. I
will be including the cost of the production of the exhibits into electronic
format with my invoice to Ms. Wilkinson.
Because of having just recently receiving the designation of the
reporter’s record and payment arrangements not having been made, I would
ask for a 30-day extension.
If I can be of further assistance in this matter or you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kaetheryne Kyriell, CSR
cc: Kristin Wilkinson via email: kristinwilkinson@use.star1mail.com
Shannon Saucedo via email: ssauceda@texasbar.com
Robin Cooksey, CSR, via email: robinm.cooksey@mctx.org
Graciela Caka, CSR, via email: graciela.caka@mctx.org
Ken Cramer, CSR, via email: ken2.1cramer@gmail.com