Basic Energy Services, L.P. v. EXCO Resources, Inc.

CHIEF JUSTICE CAROLYN WRIGHT LISA MATZ JUSTICES CLERK OF THE COURT DAVID L. BRIDGES (214) 712-3450 MOLLY FRANCIS DOUGLAS S. LANG GAYLE HUMPA ELIZABETH LANG-MIERS ROBERT M. FILLMORE Court of Appeals BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR (214) 712-3434 LANA MYERS DAVID EVANS Fifth District of Texas at Dallas ADA BROWN 600 COMMERCE STREET, SUITE 200 FACSIMILE CRAIG STODDART DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 (214) 745-1083 BILL WHITEHILL (214) 712-3400 INTERNET DAVID J. SCHENCK HTTP://5TH.TXCOURTS.GOV JASON BOATRIGHT January 30, 2018 W. Bradford Hill, Jr. Greg K. Winslett Hill & Finkel, LLP Quilling Selander Lownds Winslett Moser, PC 602 Sawyer Street, Suite, 450 2001 Bryan Street, Suite 1800 Houston, TX 77007-7524 Dallas, TX 75201-3070 Kevin B. Finkel Audrey Mola Momanaee Chatrodi Hill & Finkel, LLP Gardere Wynne Sewell, LLP 602 Sawyer Street, Suite 450 1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 3400 Houston, TX 77007-7521 Houston, TX 77002-5011 Michael Feiler Gregory R. Ave Quilling, Selander, Lownds, Winslett Walters Balido & Crain, LLP & Moser, PC Meadow Park Tower, Suite 1500 2001 Bryan Street, Suite 1800 10440 North Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75201 Dallas, TX 75231 Michael K. Hurst Marvin C. Moos Lynn Pinker Cox & Hurst, LLP Horne Rota Moos, LLP 2100 Ross Avenue, Suite 2700 2777 Allen Parkway, Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75201 Houston, TX 77019 Peter Scaff Gardere Wynne Sewell, LLP 1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 3400 Houston, TX 77002-2011 Re: Basic Energy Services, L.P. v. EXCO Resources, Inc. et al.; 05-15-00667-CV Dear Attorneys: Enclosed is a corrected page for the above-mentioned case. Please note the following typographical error, which has been corrected: Page 12, paragraph 1, line 4, replace Anderson with Andersen Please replace page twelve of your previous copy with the enclosed. Sincerely, /s/ Lisa Matz Lisa Matz Clerk of the Court cc: Trial court judge Trial court clerk 150667LF.P05 2