iAi\i 2 § 200 STATE OF VERMONT VEHMGNT SUPER\OR CGLSRT sUPERIoR coURT _ ENviRoNi\f"EiORDERED and AD]UDGED that Appellant Omya, lnc.'s l\/lotion for Summary judgment is GRANTED in Part and DENIED in Part, in that once the Commission determined that l\/ls. Peterson was eligible for party status under §6085(c)(1)(E), it should not have proceeded to provide an advisory opinion on whether l\/ls. Peterson also is an ”adjoining property owner” to the Verpol Facility, as it is unnecessary to a determination of party status. The Commis_sion’s advisory opinion as to l\/ls. Peterson’s adjoining property owner status is HEREBY VACATED, concluding this appeal The attached copy of page 2 of the District Commission decision shows the language that is being changed or deleted to conform to the decision in this appeal Done at Berlin, Vermont, this 28th day of lanuary, 2011. M%%W l\/lerideth Wright Environmental ]udge/ Page 2 Findings of Fact #1R0271-21 1. The applicants, by David Cooper, Esq., Nlike Laurent, Neal Jordan, David Adilman and Eric Steinhauser. The Town of Pittsford, not represented g The Town Planning Commission, by Don Nicl
Omya, Inc. Act 250 Application
Combined Opinion