Attorney Grievance v. Lee

ATTORNEY GRIEVANCE COMMISSION * IN THE OF MARYLAND COURT OF APPEALS * OF MARYLAND Petitioner, v. * Misc. Docket AG N0. 77 ¥ * September Term, 2O 7 l BO LEE * Respondent. This matter came before m the Court 0n the Joint Petition for Disbarment by Consent filed by the Attorney Grievance Commission 0f Maryland and the Respondent, B0 Lee, pursuant t0 Maryland Rule 19-736, in which the Respondent admits that he violated Rules l9-301.15(a), 19-305.7, l9-308.1(b), 19-308.4(a) - (d) Ofthe Maryland Attomeys’ Rules 0f Professional Conduct. The Court, having considered the Petition, is it this g 18th day 0f May , 2018, ORDERED, that Respondent, B0 Lee, be and he hereby is disbarred from the practice of law in the State of Maryland, effective immediately; and it is further ORDERED, that the Clerk 0f the Court shall remove the name Bo Lee from the register ofattorneys in this Court, notify the Respondent in accordance with Maryland Rule l9-742(a)(1), and comply with Maryland Rule 19-761. /s/ Clayton Greene Jr. Senior Judge