Cato v. United States

United States Court of Federal Claims No. iS-i645 C Filed: December 7, 2018 ) CHRISTOPHER CATO, ) ) Plaintiff, ) Pro Se; Sua Sponte Dismissal; Lack of ) Subject-l\/latter Jurisdiction', Claims v. ) Against State and City Officials; ) Civii Rights Claims; Toi‘t Clairns; Civil THE UNITED STATES, ) Rights Claims; Constitutionai Claims ) Defendant. ) ) OPINION AND ORDER SMITH, Senior Judge On October 22, 2018, plaintiff, proceeding pro se, filed his Compiaint With this Court seeking various forms of relief Plaintiff’s Complaint asserts, infer alia, that the State of Texas, the Houston Poiice Department, and employees Within the I~Iouston Police Department committed harmful acts against him and his family and deprived him of various constitutional rights See generally Complaint (hereinafter “Compl.”). Piaintiff seeks injunctive relief and money damages in the amount of 340 million. Additionally, plaintiff filed a Motion for Leave to Pi‘oceed informer pauperis on October i?, 2018. Upon sua sponte review, the Court finds plaintiffs allegations do not give rise to any cause of action over Which this Court has subject~matter jurisdiction The Court has no authority to decide plaintiff s case, and therefore must dismiss the Complaint pursuant to Rule 12(h)(3) of the Rules of the United States Couit of Federal Claims (“RCFC”). I. Background In his Complaint, plaintiff alleges that a City of Houston police officer falsely arrested and charged him for “Unwarranted l\/lental Comm.” in June of 1995, and that the charges Were later dismissed for insufficient evidence Compl. at l. Additionaily, plaintiff states that he fiied a complaint With the Houston Police Depai'tment against the arresting officer for false imprisonment, slander, defamation, pei'jury, and oppression. Id. Mr. Cato also asserts that the State of Texas and the City of Houston Police Department intentionally concealed that complaint to “l