In Re: Application of AG Additional Multicounty GJ

iN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVAN|A NI|DDLE D|STRICT |N RE: APPL|CAT|ON OF JOSH : No. 196 lV|i\/i 2018 SHA|;’|RO1 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ' THE CO|V||V|ONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANI)'Ar REQUEST|NG AN ORDER D|RECTING THAT AN ADD|T|ONAL iViULT|COUNTY : |NVEST|GAT|NG GRAND JURY HAV|NG : STATEW|DE JUR|SD|CT|ON BE ' CONVENED M AND NOW, this 31St day of December, 2018, upon consideration of the App|ication of Josh Shapiro, Attorney Generai of the Cornrnonwea|th of F’ennsy|vanial and it appearing to the Court that the granting of the App|ication is appropriate under the investigating Grand Jury Act, 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 4541 et seq., it is hereby ORDERED as follows: 1. The Attorney Genera|’s App|ication requesting an Order directing that an additional multicounty investigating grand jury having statewide jurisdiction (“Forty- Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury”) be convened is hereby GRANTED. 2. The i-icnorabie Lii|ian H. Ransom, First Judicia| District, Phi|adeiphia County, Pennsy|vania, is hereby designated as Supervising Judge of the Forty-Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury. A|| applications and motions relating to the work of the Forty~Fourth Statevvide investigating Grand Jury_inc|uding motions for disclosure of grand jury transcripts and evidence-sha|i be presented to the Supervising Judge. With respect to investigations, presentrnents1 reports, and a|| other proper activities of the Forty"Fourth Statewide investigating Grano| Jury, Judge Ransorn1 as Supervising Judge, shall have jurisdiction over all counties throughout the Comrnonwealth of Pennsyivania Judge Ransom may temporarily designate another jurist who has been appointed by this Court as the Supervising Judge of a multicounty investigating grand jury having statewide jurisdiction to serve as Acting Supervising Judge of the Forty- Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury when Judge Ransom is absent or otherwise unavailable 3. l\/lontgomery County is designated as the location for the Forty-Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury proceedings 4. The Court Administrator of Pennsyivania is directed to draw six counties at random from the Eastern District of Pennsyivania pursuant to the provisions of Ru|e 241(A)(1) and 241(0)(2) of the Pennsyivania Ru|es of Crimina| Procedure, and these six counties, plus i\/lontgomery, shall together supply jurors for the Forty-Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury. 5. The Court Administrator of Pennsyivania is directed to obtain the names and addresses of persons residing in the aforesaid counties who are eligible by law to serve as grand jurors pursuant to the provisions of Ru|e 241(A)(2) of the Pennsyivania Ru|es of Criminai Procedure. 6. The total of such names of prospective jurors to be collected shall be two hundred1 of which fifty shall be selected at random and summoned by the Couri Administrator of Pennsyivania to l\/lontgomery County. The Supervising Judge shall impanel the Forty~Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury from this panel of fifty prospective jurors. if it becomes necessary, additional prospective jurors shall be 196 iVi|V| 2018 - 2 summoned by the Supervising Judge from among the remaining one hundred fifty prospective jurors. 7. The Forty-Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury will remain in session for not more than eighteen months following the date that it is impaneled by the Supervising Judge. 8. The Attorney Genera| of the Commonwealth of Pennsyivania, or his designee in charge of the Forty-Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury, may applyl if necessary, to the Supervising Judge for an extension of the term of the Forty-Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury for an additional period of up to six months, if, at the end of its original term, the investigating Grand Jury determines by majority vote that it has not completed its business The Forty-Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury’s term, including any extension thereofl shall not exceed twenty-four months from the date it was originally impaneled by the Supervising Judge. 9. |n addition to maintaining control of transcripts and evidence as provided by Ruie 229 of the Pennsyivania Rules of Criminal P-rocedure and controlling disclosure of matters occurring before the Forty-Fourth Statewide investigating Grand Jury as provided by 42 Pa.C.S. §4549, the Supervising Judge shall have the same duties and powers relating to maintaining grand jury secrecy with respect to each prior Statewide investigating Grand Jury convened in l\/iontgomery County or any other county identified in Ruie 241(0)(2)_ é. t T OiVlAS G. SAYLO Chief Justice of Pennsyivania 196 N||V| 2018-3