L.'(_}NSI€N`|` l"()R MODIF|C`AT]ON (`}I" Slll‘lil{VlSl§[) lZlil.lE/\SE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District ofCo|urnbia F I L E D JAN 22 2016 Clerk, U.S. Uistri:;r & Bankruptcy Courts fur the Distrfct of Cn|umt)la UNI'|`ED S'I`ATES OF AMERICA Plaintiff Criminal No. i4-cr-236 BAH!DAR VS. I~`RED PRIMUS Defcndant CONSENT TO M()I)IFY SUPERVISED RELEASE All parties agree, for the reasons set forth on the record, that the Del`endant’s conditions ol" supervised release should be modified In accordance with said agreement, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Defendant"s conditions of supervised release be modified to extend Def`endant`s term of supervised release by six months, with the special condition of continued location monitoring Daled: .lanuary 18_. 2019 %/M . / - ./) l/\/)/Hl/l / / JU ..‘§ Mzigistralc .liidge' The assigned Magistrate lodge having recommended that the conditions of the Defendant’s supervised release bc modified._ it is ORDERED that the recommendation is accepted / Datcd:j/%?7 , »<7. *U/LD 7 M/‘%M l U.§. bistrict Judge