Court of Appeals, State of Michigan
Colleen A. O'Brien
Omega Rehab Services LLC v State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins Co Presiding Judge
Docket No. 342067 Kathleen Jansen
LC No. 16-014980-NF Arny Ronayne Krause
The Court orders that the motion to correct an error in the opinion dated March 19, 201 9
pursuant to MCR 7.211 and MCR 7.2 l 6(A)(7) is hereby GRANTED.
The opinion dated March 19, 2019 is hereby AMENDED to correct the statement
identified by defendant on page four, in the first full paragraph. The second sentence and following
citation of the first full paragraph on page four of the opinion is hereby stricken, and replaced as follows:
Pursuant to the one-year-back rule provided in MCL 500.3145( I), plaintiff
"did not obtain the right to pursue no-fault benefits for any portion of the loss
incurred more than one year before" June 21 , 2017. Id. at 205.
In all other respects, the March 19, 2019 opinion remains unchanged.
A true copy entered and certified by Jerome W. Zimmer .Ir.. Chief Clerk . on
APR 2 5 2019
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