*95 Decision will be entered under Rule 50.
Deductions from Income -- Bad Debts -- Nonbusiness Debts --
*325 *96 The respondent has determined a deficiency in income tax for 1944 in the amount of $ 1,966.35. The respondent concedes that the petitioners *326 are entitled to a deduction for $ 1,000 for a long term capital loss from the worthlessness of stock of Double Arrow Ranch, Inc., under section 117 (d) of the Code. The petitioner concedes that the amount of a deduction claimed for a bad debt loss does not exceed $ 6,493.94. The only question to be decided is whether the petitioner Jan G. J. Boissevain is entitled to deduct the entire amount of a debt of Double Arrow Ranch, Inc., as a business bad debt under
The petitioners filed joint returns for 1944 with the collector for the district of Michigan.
We find the facts as they have been stipulated by the parties. The facts are as follows:
The petitioners, who are married, now reside in San Mateo County, California. During the taxable year 1944 they resided in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. The question to be decided relates only to Jan G. J. Boissevain, *97 and he is referred to hereinafter as the petitioner.
In the early part of 1929 the petitioner was employed by an investment corporation in Spokane, Washington. In the spring of 1929 the petitioner became interested in the possibilities of engaging in the business of operating a dude ranch in Montana for profit. He visited Montana, looked at properties, investigated the dude ranch business, and decided to engage in that business. Upon his return from the trip to Montana, he resigned from his position in Spokane and made arrangements to withdraw his funds from a bank. He returned to Montana in October 1929 and arranged for the purchase of ranch property.
In 1929 the petitioner organized a Montana corporation, the name of which was subsequently changed to Double Arrow Ranch, Inc.The corporation was organized for the purpose of acquiring, improving, developing, and operating a livestock and dude ranch near Greenough, Montana. The petitioner acquired 494 shares of the common stock of the corporation for cash in the amount of $ 49,400. From 1929 to 1931, the petitioner obtained purchasers for $ 30,000 of the preferred stock of the corporation. The petitioner was one of the incorporators*98 of the corporation and held the office of president from the time of its organization until its dissolution in 1944. As president of the corporation, the petitioner decided its policies. The corporation expended $ 31,725.41 for real property and $ 23,120.04 for the construction of buildings on the property.
*327 From 1929 until April 1942, the petitioner devoted all of his time to the management and operation of the Double Arrow Ranch. He expected to build up a profitable business. In the year 1929 the business depression throughout the country began. The Double Arrow Ranch was operated for several years with the hope that it would earn profits, but the business was not profitable, and the corporation lost money from its inception. During the period in which the ranch operations were carried on, the petitioner did not receive from the corporation any compensation for his services as manager of the ranch or for his services as president of the corporation. The petitioner has never received any salary, dividends, or other income from the Double Arrow Ranch corporation. During the period from the time the corporation was organized and the ranch business was undertaken until*99 the petitioner moved to Michigan and obtained employment there in 1942, the petitioner did not participate in any other business venture.
During the time the Double Arrow Ranch was operated, the petitioner made frequent and numerous loans to the Double Arrow Ranch corporation. The unpaid balance of the indebtedness of the corporation to the petitioner for these loans was $ 10,354.54 in 1944, which debt was unsecured.
In 1941 the petitioner's personal funds were low, and he concluded that the losing venture should be terminated. In 1941 it was decided to discontinue operations and to sell the ranch. In the fall of 1941, the ranch property was listed for sale with a real estate agent who had national contacts at the offering price of $ 100,000, and the agent issued a printed, illustrated leaflet describing the property, the location, the ranch houses, and other improvements. In April 1942, the property was rented to a tenant for a nominal rental to cover mortgage interest and taxes. The tenant left the property in the winter of 1942, and thereafter it was vacant. In the spring of 1942, all of the ranch furniture, equipment, and machinery was sold at auction, and the proceeds were*100 used to pay obligations of the corporation. In September 1943, the mortgagee commenced foreclosing proceedings upon default in the payment of interest on the mortgage. In January 1944, the ranch property was sold at a sacrifice sale for $ 20,000.
The petitioner and his wife moved to Grosse Pointe, Michigan, in 1942. In 1942 the petitioner became employed as a salesman by Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, Highland Park, Michigan, and he has been employed by that corporation ever since. From 1942 through 1944, the only income the petitioner received was from Johns-Manville.
From 1942 until the Double Arrow Ranch property was sold in 1944, the petitioner was in frequent touch with the real estate broker with *328 whom the Double Arrow Ranch property was listed, with other brokers, and with others regarding the sale of the ranch property.
The proceeds from the sale of the ranch property were sufficient to pay the remaining debts of the Double Arrow Ranch corporation and part of its indebtedness to the petitioner. After applying the proceeds of the sale to the various debts of the corporation, there remained an unpaid and uncollectible balance of the amount owing to the petitioner*101 by the corporation of $ 6,493.94. The corporation was dissolved in 1944 after the sale of the ranch property.
The parties have stipulated that the debt of the corporation to the petitioner in the amount of $ 6,493.94 became "totally worthless" in 1944 upon the dissolution of the corporation.
The petitioner was not engaged in a business of promoting or financing the Double Arrow Ranch corporation in 1944. He was not engaged in a business of loaning money, or of organizing, financing, and promoting corporations in 1944. His activities relating to the organization of Double Arrow Ranch corporations in 1929, and of managing its business and affairs from 1929 to 1944, did not constitute the conduct of a business of his own. The only corporation which the petitioner organized in 1929, and during the following years until 1944, was the Double Arrow Ranch corporation, and during that period the petitioner was not engaged in a business of organizing, promoting, financing, or loaning funds to corporations. The debt of the Double Arrow Ranch corporation to the petitioner was not a debt the loss from the worthlessness of which was incurred in the petitioner's business. It was a nonbusiness*102 debt.
The only issue is whether the loss sustained in 1944 by the petitioner from the worthlessness of the debt of the Double Arrow Ranch corporation shall be considered a loss from the sale or exchange in 1944 of a capital asset held for not more than six months under the provisions of
*103 *329 The petitioner's contentions in this proceeding present a narrow question, whether he was engaged in a business of his own consisting of the organization, the promotion, the financing, and the management of the Double Arrow Ranch corporation, which for convenience will be referred to hereinafter as the D. A. R. corporation. Under
*105 The petitioner's contentions that he, as an individual, was engaged in a business of promoting and financing, and managing the D. A. R. corporation, that his advances of funds to the corporation were made in the conduct of his alleged individual business, and that the loss from the advances of funds is directly related to his alleged individual *330 business cannot be sustained because all of the contentions conflict with the determinations made in
The facts in this proceeding resemble to some extent the facts in
Dalton conceded that the Dalton Manufacturing Company was a distinct entity with its own business, just as the petitioner concedes; and Clark agreed that the Bowers corporation was a separate entity. But Dalton argued that the Dalton Manufacturing Corporation constituted a part of his individual trade or business; and Clark argued that his endorsement and payment of notes of the Bowers corporation was part of a business which he regularly carried on for the corporation. The contention of the petitioner is that he regularly carried on a business of promoting, financing and managing the D. A. R. corporation, and that part of that alleged business was making loans to the corporation and managing the corporation. The petitioner's contentions are essentially the same as the contentions of *331 Dalton and Clark. In fact, the petitioner's contention is very much the same as the view which was expressed by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in
The petitioner, from 1929 to 1944, was not engaged in a business of organizing and promoting corporations, or of financing corporations, or of loaning money to corporations, or, in general, of loaning money, or of managing corporate ventures or unincorporated ventures, or of buying and selling stocks. The Supreme Court observed that Dalton was not engaged in the business of buying and selling stocks and that he did not regard the Dalton corporation as his alter ego; and the Supreme Court concluded that "Ownership of stock is not enough to show that creation and management of the corporation was a part of his ordinary business." The petitioner did not regard the D. A. R. corporation as his alter ego, and in this proceeding he respects it as having been a separate entity. In Clark's case, the Supreme Court observed that Clark was not regularly engaged in a business of endorsing notes or buying and selling corporate securities and concluded that "the business which he conducted for it [Bowers corporation] was not his own. * * * The unfortunate endorsements were no part of his ordinary business, but occasional transactions intended to*109 preserve the value of his investment in capital shares."
The petitioner became interested in ranch property and believed a ranch business would be profitable, but he chose to organize a corporation and to have it carry on the venture, rather than carry on the business himself. The petitioner professes that he does not contend that the corporation's business was his own, but we cannot regard seriously such protestation and cannot draw so fine a line as the petitioner urges. The petitioner, the evidence shows, had no business of his own; and his activities in managing the corporation's business for the corporation cannot in the same breath be held to constitute the conduct of an individual business. If we were to approve the petitioner's theory, we would violate, under the facts of this case, the rule that the Supreme Court restated in
We are unable to distinguish this proceeding from
In our consideration of the facts in this proceeding, we may not pass lightly over the fact that the petitioner had invested capital in the stock of the D. A. R. corporation, and that he did so for the purpose of realizing profits and, therefore, was desirous of having the corporation*112 continue to operate the ranch business with the hope that its fortunes would change and the losing business of the corporation would turn into a profitable one. We believe, under all of the facts, that the petitioner advanced funds under an open account to the corporation so that, by giving it aid to keep the corporation going, he would protect his capital investment in the stock and even eventually realize gain from his investment. It is difficult to regard the petitioner's investment in the stock of the D. A. R. corporation as separate and wholly unrelated to his advances of funds to the corporation in the open account.
The petitioner's theory, if approved, would broaden the meaning of the phrase "incurred in the taxpayer's trade or business" as the phrase is used in
The petitioner has relied solely on
Since the petitioner relies so heavily on the Campbell case, we believe it will be helpful to call attention to the reference, in that case at p. 512, to
It is held that the loss from the advances to the D. A. R. corporation was a loss from a nonbusiness debt within the scope of
Decision will be entered under Rule 50.
SEC. 23 . DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME.In computing net income there shall be allowed as deductions:
* * * *
(k) Bad Debts. --
(1) General rule. -- Debts which become worthless within the taxable year; or (in the discretion of the Commissioner) a reasonable addition to a reserve for bad debts; and when satisfied that a debt is recoverable only in part, the Commissioner may allow such debt, in an amount not in excess of the part charged off within the taxable year, as a deduction. This paragraph shall not apply in the case of a taxpayer, other than a bank, as defined in section 104, with respect to a debt evidenced by a security as defined in paragraph (3) of this subsection. This paragraph shall not apply in the case of a taxpayer, other than a corporation, with respect to a non-business debt, as defined in paragraph (4) of this subsection.
* * * *
(4) Non-business debts. -- In the case of a taxpayer, other than a corporation, if a non-business debt becomes worthless within the taxable year, the loss resulting therefrom shall be considered a loss from the sale or exchange, during the taxable year, of a capital asset held for not more than 6 months. The term "non-business debt" means a debt other than a debt evidenced by a security as defined in paragraph (3) and other than a debt the loss from the worthlessness of which is incurred in the taxpayer's trade or business.↩
H. Rept. No. 2333, 1942-2 C. B. 431 :* * * *
If that relation is a proximate one in the conduct of the trade or business in which the taxpayer is engaged at the time the debt becomes worthless↩, the debt is not a non-business debt for the purposes of this amendment. [Emphasis added.]