IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA IN RE: MODIFICATION OF THE : NO. 448 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICTS WITHIN : THE 10th JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF MAGISTERIAL RULES DOCKET : THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA : ORDER PER CURIAM AND NOW, this 22nd day of October, 2020, upon consideration of the Request of the President Judge of the Tenth Judicial District (Westmoreland County) to eliminate Magisterial District 10-3-11 and reconfigure Magisterial Districts 10-2-08 and 10-3-10 of the Tenth Judicial District (Westmoreland County) of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, it is hereby ORDERED AND DECREED that the Request is granted. This Order is effective January 8, 2021. Said Magisterial Districts shall be as follows: Magisterial District 10-2-08 Latrobe Borough Magisterial District Judge Michael R. Unity Township Mahady Youngstown Borough Mt. Pleasant Township (Voting Districts Ridgeview, Mammoth, United, Westmoreland, and Homestead) Magisterial District 10-3-10 Hunker Borough Magisterial District Judge Charles D. Mt. Pleasant Borough Moore New Stanton Borough Scottdale Borough East Huntingdon Township Hempfield Township (Voting District New Stanton) Mt. Pleasant Township (Voting Districts Bridgeport, Duncan, Hecla, Laurel, Pleasant Valley and Spring Garden) South Huntingdon Township (Voting Districts Hixson, Jacobs Creek, Mineral, Port Royal, South Huntingdon, Wyano, and Yukon) -2-