ORIGINAL 10/21/2021 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA Case Number: DA 19-0453 DA 19-0453 RLED STATE OF MONTANA, OCT 2 1 2021 Bowen Greenwood Clerk of Suprerne Court Plaintiff and Appellee, State of Montana v. ORDER TOSTON GRAY LAFOURNAISE, Defendant and Appellant. Pursuant to the Internal Operating Rules of this Court, this cause is classified for oral argument before the Court sitting en banc and is hereby set for argument on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 9:30. a.m. The oral argument will be conducted entirely by visual and audio communication devices on Zoom. All counsel, as well as every member of the Court, will appear via Zoom. The argument will be live-streamed and can be accessed through the Court's website at http://stream.vision.net/MT-JUD/. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pursuant to M. R. App. P. 17(3), oral argument times in this cause number shall be forty (40) rninutes for the Appellant and thirty (30) minutes for the Appellee. The Clerk is directed to provide a copy hereof to all counsel of record and to the Honorable Michael F. McMahon, District Judge. DATED this Z.- ► day of October, 2021. For the Court, Chief Justice