Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
10/02/2019 | Filing Fee | Appeal Filing Fee waived. Criminal. (SC) | | |
10/02/2019 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing statement and Notice of Briefing Schedule mailed to counsel for appellant.) (SC) | | 19-40878
10/02/2019 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to File Case Appeal Statement/Criminal. Due date: 10 days (SC) | | 19-40880
10/02/2019 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 04/12/19, 07/15/19, 07/16/19, 07/17/19, 07/18/19 and 09/09/19.To Court Reporter: Victoria Boyd. (SC) | | 19-40949
10/02/2019 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Case Appeal Statement. (SC) | | 19-40951
10/03/2019 | Motion | Filed Appellant's Motion To Withdraw as Counsel of Record. (SC) | | 19-41058
10/08/2019 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. (SC) | | 19-41702
10/08/2019 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Case Appeal Statement (compete copy with attachment). (SC) | | 19-41721
10/16/2019 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion to Withdraw and Remanding for Appointment of Counsel. The clerk of this court shall remove attorney K. Ryan Helmick and the Richard Harris Law Firm as counsel of record for appellant. This appeal is remanded to the district court for the limited purpose of securing counsel for appellant. District Court's Order Appointing Counsel due: 35 days. The briefing schedule in this appeal shall be suspended pending further order of this court. (SC). | | 19-42888
10/21/2019 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Victoria Boyd stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 04/12/19, 07/15/19-07/18/19 and 09/09/19. (SC) | | 19-43404
11/07/2019 | Order/Incoming | Filed District Court Order Appointing Counsel. Filed certified copy of District Court Minute order filed in district court on November 6, 2019 appointing Public Defender as counsel for appellant. (SC) | | 19-45741
11/18/2019 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Reinstating Briefing. The clerk of this court shall add the Clark County Public Defender's Office as counsel of record for appellant in this appeal. Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix due: 90 days. (SC). | | 19-47099
11/19/2019 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Appellant's NRAP 46(a)(2) Notice (Sharon G. Dickinson, Chief Deputy Public Defender as counsel for Appellant). (SC) | | 19-47386
11/21/2019 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 12/12/18, 01/23/19, 02/06/19, 02/20/19, 03/11/19, 04/12/19, 05/20/19, 05/22/19, 05/29/19, 07/08/19, 07/10/19, 09/09/19, 07/15/19, 07/16/19, 07/17/19 and 07/18/19. To Court Reporter: Sharon Nichols and Victoria Boyd. (SC) | | 19-47781
12/16/2019 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Sharon Nichols stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 12/12/18. (SC) | | 19-50878
02/14/2020 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Appellant's Notice of Unavailability of Requseted Transcripts and Noncompliance with NRAP Rule 9(b)(1)(A). (SC) | | 20-06268
02/26/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Regarding Transcripts. Court Reporter Victoria Boyd's Certificate of Delivery of Transcripts due: 21 days. Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix due: 90 days. (SC). | | 20-07716
05/18/2020 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Appellant's Second Notice of Unavailability of Requested Transcripts and Noncompliance with Courts February 26, 2020 order alternatively request for extension due to missing transcripts. (SC). | | 20-18855
05/29/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Conditionally Imposing Sanctions and Extending Time to File Opening Brief and Appendix. Conditional Sanction of $250 or Court Recorder Victoria Boyd's Certificate of Delivery of Transcripts or Motion due: 14 days. Appellant shall have 120 days from the date of this order to file and serve the opening brief and appendix. The motion filed on May 18, 2020, is denied as moot. (SC) | | 20-20358
06/12/2020 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Certificate of Acknowledgment (Victoria Boyd, Court Recorder). (SC) | | 20-22115
09/28/2020 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix Volume I. (SC) | | 20-35560
09/28/2020 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix Volume II. (SC) | | 20-35561
09/28/2020 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix Volume III. (SC) | | 20-35562
09/28/2020 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix Volume IV. (SC) | | 20-35563
09/28/2020 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix Volume V. (SC) | | 20-35564
09/28/2020 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix Volume VI. (SC) | | 20-35565
09/28/2020 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Opening Brief. (SC) | | 20-35649
09/29/2020 | Motion | Filed Motion Requesting Transmittal of an Exhibit Pursuant to NRAP 30(d). (SC) | | 20-35746
10/08/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Directing Transmission of Exhibits. District Court Exhibit 1 and Exhibit B due: 14 days. (SC) | | 20-37020
10/21/2020 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix Volume VI. (SC) | | 20-38555
10/28/2020 | Motion | Filed Respondent's Motion for Enlargement of Time (First Request). (SC) | | 20-39392
11/06/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. Respondent's Answering Brief due: December 28, 2020. (SC). | | 20-40698
12/21/2020 | Brief | Filed Respondent's Answering Brief. (SC) | | 20-46024
01/12/2021 | Motion | Filed Stipulation (Reply Brief). (SC) | | 21-00874
01/12/2021 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Motion/Stipulation Approved. Appellant's Reply Brief due: February 19, 2021. (SC) | | 21-00895
02/02/2021 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Reply Brief. (SC) | | 21-03251
02/02/2021 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix to Reply Brief pages 1268-1296. (SC) | | 21-03252
02/03/2021 | Case Status Update | Briefing Completed/To Screening. (SC) | | |
09/16/2021 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order Affirming in Part, Reversing in Part and Remanding. "ORDER the judgment of conviction AFFIRMED IN PART AND REVERSED IN PART AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." fn5 [The Honorable Mark Gibbons, Senior Justice, participated in the decision of this matter under a general order of assignment.] JH/LS/MG. (SC) | | 21-26877
10/04/2021 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Appellant's Petition for Rehearing. (SC) | | 21-28443
10/13/2021 | Post-Judgment Order | Filed Order Denying Rehearing. "Rehearing Denied." NRAP 40(c). (SC) | | 21-29373
10/26/2021 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Appellant's Petition for En Banc Reconsideration. (SC) | | 21-30939
11/08/2021 | Post-Judgment Order | Filed Order Denying En Banc Reconsideration. Having considered the petition on file herein, we have concluded that en banc reconsideration is not warranted. NRAP 40A. Accordingly, we "ORDER the petition DENIED." EN BANC (SC) | | 21-32085
12/03/2021 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. (SC). | | 21-34509
12/03/2021 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. (SC). | | |