Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
06/12/2020 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee due for Appeal. (SC) | | |
06/12/2020 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (SC) | | 20-22063
06/12/2020 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Pay Supreme Court Filing Fee. No action will be taken on this matter until filing fee is paid. Due Date: 10 days. (SC) | | 20-22065
06/12/2020 | Filing Fee | E-Payment $250.00 from Bradley Paul Elley. (SC) | | |
06/15/2020 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Referral to Settlement Program. This appeal may be assigned to the settlement program. Timelines for requesting transcripts and filing briefs are stayed. Docketing Statement mailed to counsel for appellant - due: 21 days. (SC) | | 20-22166
06/16/2020 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Issued Assignment Notice to NRAP 16 Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Margaret M. Crowley. (SC) | | 20-22389
07/06/2020 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. (SC) | | 20-24853
07/10/2020 | Docketing Statement | Filed Sparks Family Hospital Inc's Response to Docketing Statement And Request To Exceed NRAP 14(F) One Page Limit. (SC) | | |
07/13/2020 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Rejection of Filed Document (Sparks Family Hospital Inc's Response to Docketing Statement And Request To Exceed NRAP 14(F) One Page Limit). (SC). | | 20-25669
07/14/2020 | Motion | Filed Respondent Sparks Family Hospital Inc's Motion for Permission to Exceed/Enlarge The One Page Limitation for A NRAP 14(F) Response to Docketing Statement. (DETACHED RESPONSE AND FILED SEPARATELY PER ORDER FILED 7/22/20). (SC) | | 20-25858
07/22/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. The clerk of this court shall detach and file the response to the docketing statement submitted with respondent's motion and file it as a separate document. (SC) | | 20-26803
07/22/2020 | Docketing Statement | Filed Response to Docketing Statement. (SC) | | 20-26804
08/11/2020 | Settlement Program Report | Filed ECAR/Appropriate for Settlement Program. This case is appropriate for mediation and a settlement conference is scheduled for November 3, 2020, at 9:00 am. (SC). | | 20-29608
11/12/2020 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Final Report/No Settlement. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. (SC) | | 20-41386
11/17/2020 | Settlement Order/Procedural | Filed Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement. Appellant(s): 14 days transcript request; 90 days opening brief and appendix. (SC) | | 20-41804
12/01/2020 | Transcript Request | Filed Certificate that No Transcript is Being Requested. (SC) | | 20-43520
02/10/2021 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Telephonic Extension. Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix due: March 1, 2021. (SC) | | 21-04018
03/01/2021 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Opening Brief. (SC) | | 21-05988
03/01/2021 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix Volume I pages 1-71. (SC) | | 21-05989
03/01/2021 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's NRAP 28(f) Statutory Addendum. (SC) | | 21-05990
03/29/2021 | Brief | Filed Respondent Sparks Family Hospital Inc's Answering Brief. (REJECTED PER NOTICE ISSUED 3/29/21). (SC) | | |
03/29/2021 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Rejection of Deficient Answering Brief. Corrected brief due: 5 days. (SC) | | 21-08976
03/30/2021 | Brief | Filed Respondent's Answering Brief. (SC) | | 21-09212
04/29/2021 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. Appellant's reply brief due: May 13, 2021. (SC) | | 21-12269
05/12/2021 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Reply Brief. (SC) | | 21-13649
05/12/2021 | Case Status Update | Briefing Completed/To Screening. (SC) | | |
09/17/2021 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Submitting for Decision Without Oral Argument. Cause appearing, oral argument will not be scheduled and this appeal shall stand submitted for decision to the Northern Nevada Panel as of the date of this order on the briefs filed herein. (SC) | | 21-27045
12/09/2021 | Opinion/Dispositional | Filed Authored Opinion. "Affirmed." Before: Cadish/Pickering/Herndon. Author: Herndon, J. Majority: Cadish/Pickering/Herndon. 137 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 77. NNP21-EC/KP/DH. (SC). | | 21-35061