It lias finally been settled in this State that the mere fact of the existence, at the time fixed for the concurrent, mutual performance of an executory contract for the conveyance of real estate, of a lien or incumbrance upon the property which it is in the power of the vendor to remove, does not relieve the vendee from the necessity of 'making a tender and demand of performance as a condition precedent to the maintenance of an action to recover money paid on the contract. (Ziehen v. Smith, 148 N. Y. 558.) This case disapproves of the rule laid down in Morange v. Morris (3 Keyes, 48) and in Ingalls v. Hahn (41 Hun, 104), and affirms the more reasonable doctrine that the contract is not broken by the mere fact of the existence on the day of performance of some lien or incumbrance which it is in the power of the vendor to remove. In the case at bar there was upon the day specified in the contract for the closing of the title no lien or incumbrance upon the property (other than the first mortgage) which the vendor could not have removed. Upon that day he had a satisfaction piece of the second mortgage, and he gave his attorney money with which to pay all taxes and Croton water rents. He had agreed that the first mortgage held by the Hew York Life Insurance Company should bear interest at five per cent, not at six per cent, as stipulated upon the face of the mortgage. But the fact was that upon his original application for the loan the company’s finance committee had indorsed a memorandum to the effect that the interest should be six per cent until the completion of the buildings, and five per cent afterwards; The. buildings had been completed for upwards of two years prior to the transaction under consideration, and the company during that time had been accepting five per cent from the defendant, thus executing the agreement indorsed upon the original application. Clark, the clerk of the company who had charge of the applications for loans on real-estate, testified that, on the 14th day of October,' 1890, the company’s appraiser certified that the buildings were then finished,. and that from that date the interest was five per cent. -This witness also testified that the reduction in this manner was in accordance with the company’s custom. “ Mr. Prague,” said he, “ was building houses, and he wanted a loan. We would tell him if we made from time to time payments, we should charge six per cent
The plaintiff was, of course, entitled to conclusive evidence of this reduction. He was not bound to accept the defendant’s assurance that it had been done. The mortgage at six per cent was all that appeared upon record. But if he had demanded a proper instrument, legally effecting such reduction, there can be no doubt that the defendant could have furnished it. As Judge O’Beien said in Ziehen v. Smith (supra) “ it cannot be affirmed, under the circumstances, that if the plaintiff had made the tender and demand on the day provided in the contract that he would not have received the title which the defendant had contracted to convey.” A few days later the company actually gave the defendant a certificate to be furnished to the plaintiff to the effect that the then present rate óf interest was five per cent. That certificate, or any other binding covenant, could have been obtained from the company upon the day fixed for the closing of the title just as readily as it was obtained five days later. Clark testified without contradiction that the only reason why such an instrument had not previously been given was that the defendant had not asked for it; that he could have had it for the asking; that, as “ the true amount was only five per cent, we couldn’t help giving him that certificate.”
It is apparent, therefore, that the mere fact of the non-existence upon the day of performance of an instrument evidencing such reduction did not of itself work a breach of the contract. Hor can it be affirmed that it was not then in the vendor’s power to procure such an instrument. On the contrary, it may safely be affirmed that such an instrument could readily have been procured by him and delivered to the plaintiff upon the day fixed for performance. It will be observed — and the fact should be emphasized — that this is not an action by the vendor against the vendee for a breach of the contract by the latter. Undoubtedly the vendor could only maintain such an action upon showing actual,' and not possible, readiness upon his part in all particulars. But that is not this action. Here the vendee sues the vendor for
Mr. Comstock testified that he told the plaintiff and Devlin that the ■deed was prepared, but that for some reason which he did not know Mr. Prague had not arrived yet; that he expected him to come ; and that he would undoubtedly be there within a few minutes. Devlin testified that Comstock said Prague should have been there, and that he could not account for his absence. That time was not essential to the plaintiff is clearly evidenced by his request for an adjournment. Devlin said : “ I requested an adjournment for a day or so until the difficulties might be arranged.” . Zwinge said, as we have seen, that this request for an adjournment followed a tender. Upon these facts we do not think it can be said as matter of law that there was a breach of this contract at the expiration of the thirty-five minutes. If the plaintiff and his counsel had exercised the customary patience and had waited five minutes more they would have seen the defendant, and the whole matter could have been readily closed. The defendant could have given the plaintiff that day everything which he had contracted to give him. It cannot be affirmed that he co.uld not have done this within a reasonable time after his appearance at Comstock’s office. The latter’s office was but a short distance from the office of the New York Life Insurance Company. The register’s office was but five minutes’ walk from there, and, according to Comstock’s undisputed testimony, “the whole thing could have been done in a douple of minutes.”
We" think, therefore, that this question should, at least, have been submitted to the jury.
As to the second question, the decision of the learned judge was also erroneous. No other conclusion can correctly be drawn from the undisputed facts, to. which we have adverted save that compli
The plaintiff claims that the defendant’s request to go to the jury was too late; that both parties, having asked the court to direct a verdict in their favor, waived the right of submission. This contention is without merit. The defendant, undoubtedly, waived the right to have the case sent to the jury generally (Mayer v. Dean, 115 N. Y. 559), but not the right to have a specific question of fact submitted to them. (Koehler v. Adler, 78 N. Y. 290.) The defendant here formulated a specific question of fact which he requested the trial judge to submit to the jury. The presumption of the defendant’s consent to the decision by the court of the question thus formulated was, as was said in Koehler v. Adler (supra), “ repelled by an express request to go to the jury upon” that question of fact.
The judgment and the order denying the 'motion for a new trial should be reversed, with costs to the appellant to abide the event.
Van Brunt, P. J., Rumsey, O’Brien and Ingraham, JJ„ concurred.