As all persons now in being who can have any interest, according to the statements in the pleadings and the proofs in this action, either in the property to which the testator was at any time entitled in his own right, or that which descended to his wife from her father, are before this court as parties, (except Mary Mills, concerning whose estate or rights under the will no question exists,)—as the questions which have been raised upon the will necessarily involve to a considerable extent a consideration of the tenor and effect of the deeds—as the plaintiff calls for, and the defendant consents to, a judicial construction of all those documents—and as the assent of the parties has reference only to the mode of procedure in matters over which the court has the requisite jurisdiction—I shall consider the deeds, so far as it may be necessary in order to determine what was the extent of the testator’s property and power at the time of his decease, and what passed by his will.
The deed from the testator and his wife to Ludlow, conveyed all her share, right and proportion, of all the real estate in the state of Hew-Tork, whereof her father, James Desbrosses, died seised, and to wMch she was entitled as one of the heirs at law of her father, together with the appurtenances, and the rents, issues and profits thereof. The description of the principal subject matter conveyed was sufficiently broad to comprehend rent's reserved upon perpetual leases, even if rents had not been, as they were, particularly designated. Such rents are, according to Blackstone, (2 Com. 41,) incorporeal hereditaments. As such they are descendible from those to whom they are reserved,
The deed from Ludlow conveyed the same property to the testator. It was to be held by him in trust to and for the use of the testator and his wife during their natural lives, and for the use of the survivor during his or her life. There were contingencies upon which the entire estate was to vest in the testator, but as they never happened, it is unnecessary to mention them here. . Upon the death of the survivor of the two, the property was to be held in trust for the use of the plaintiff, if he should then be a minor, until he should attain the age of twenty-one years; or if he should then be of full age, or when he should attain that age, it was to vest in him absolutely. It was contended by his counsel that by the terms of the deed the absolute title was to vest in the plaintiff whenever he should attain his majority, although it might be in the lifetime of but one of his parents. I do not so understand that deed-. The grant for the use. of, or to, the son, is expressly “ upon the death of both his parents.” That too, was manifestly in ■ accordance with their design. They did not intend to deprive themselves, under any contingency, of the full enjoyment of the property, nor of the exercise of the powers which they reserved over it. There is some singularity in this part of the deed. The property is not to be held in trust, and some one is to stand seised of it after the death of the trustee, without the designation of
The trust estate, and consequent suspension of the power of alienation, might have continued beyond the lives of the testator and his wife, had both died during the minority of the son, but as they could not have extended beyond the death of the son, that would not have exceeded the time allowed by law when the deed was executed.
The testator wais authorized to sell with the con'seAt of his wife, all or any part of the lands belonging to the Desbrosses estate situate in the city of Hew-York, and to receive and retain the proceeds to and for his own use. That power was exercised
Authority was also conferred upon the testator, his heirs and assigns, or the guardian of such of his heirs as might be minors, to make sales or leases of all or any part of the estate included in the deed from Ludlow; but it was expressly provided that the considerations, rents, issues and profits of what might be sold, should be subject to the trusts specified in that conveyance. Under this power the testator sold a portion of the lands, and received a part of the consideration money, and a part remains unpaid. He also leased another portion of such lands in perpetuity, and received a part of the rents accruing during his life, and a part thereof is still due. He also éntered into contracts for the sale of another portion of these lands, (but executed no conveyance therefor,) and received a part qf the consideration money, and a part remains unpaid. And he made contracts for ■ the extinguishment of the rents of a portion of the lands held under perpetual leases from Desbrosses, and has received a part of the consideration mon.ey for such proposed extinguishment, and the residue remains unpaid.
■ In all those cases where the contracts were not consummated by conveyances the legal title to the property has not been divested, and is now in the plaintiff. Consequently the requisite conveyances should be executed by him. The provision in the revised statutes authorizing a court of equity to compel the specific performance of a contract, (for the sale of real estate,) made by any one who may have died before it was consummated, by his minor heir, is based upon the supposition that in such cases the heir has the legal title. The power conferred by the testator upon his executors, in the 21st clause of the will, to carry into effect his unperformed contracts, is confined in terms to his own real estate; and the subsequent direction that the proceeds should be invested for the benefit of the devisees of the lands contracted to be sold, evinces an intent that the power should be limited to the sales of land which he could devise.
The power of revocation reserved to the testator and his wife ¡during their lives, and to him alone if he survived her, was
It is manifest from the whole scope of the deed, that it was • not the intention that a sale of any portion of the lands should be considered as an absolute revocation pro tanto. The consideration money was to be substituted for the land, and subject to the same trusts. Its ultimate destination was to be the same. When it was designed to confer the power upon the testator to divert the purchase money from the general uses specified in the deed, as to the land, and to vest the title to it absolutely in himself, it was given in explicit terms. Thus he was expressly authorized “ to take, have, and retain the proceeds of such lands situate in the city and county of New-York as he might sell, to the use of himself, his executors, administrators and assigns, without any account of and concerning the same.”
The testator was undoubtedly entitled during life to the rents, issues and profits of the unsold lands, and to the interest accruing on the consideration moneys of such portions of the real estate as he had sold, or contracted to sell. Upon his death the plaintiff became seised in fee of the unsold lands, and the rents on the then existing and unaffected leases, and entitled to the absolute property in the consideration moneys for that portion of the estate which had been sold, whether it had been paid to
The premises described in the conveyance to John Hunter, junior, consisted partly of lands held by the testator in his own right, but principally of lands which had descended to * the testator’s wife from her father, and were included in the deeds to and from Ludlow. Ho question was made, on the argument, and therefore none will now be considered, as to the power and right of the testator, and the plaintiff and his wife, to convey the absolute title to that portion of those premises which had belonged to the Desbrosses estate.
The deed to John Hunter, jun. was confided to the custody of Mr. Powers, and was not to be delivered to the proposed grantee until he should obtain the age of 25 years. If he should die under that age, having married with the consent of his parents, and having lawful issue at the time of his death, (as I interpret the declaration of trusts and objects executed at the same time with the deed,) the title to the premises was to vest in, and of course the deed was to be delivered immediately to, or for the benefit of, such issue. I conclude that the term having lawful issue applies to the time when the grantee might die under the appointed age, as that construction harmonizes with the previous declarations, twice made, that if he should die under such age without leaving lawful issue, the deed should be destroyed and the property go elsewhere. Whatever doubts may have formerly existed relative to the true construction of the words, “ dying without leaving lawful issue,” our revised statutes, which were in force at the time when the deed which I am now considering was executed, have provided that as to any ulterior disposition of property by way of remainder, the failure in such cases is at the time of the death of the ancestor. The use of the terms does not, therefore, create an estate tail by implication in John Hunter,
The declaratory instrument evinces the intention of the grantors, that the premises, or their avails, should be held and managed during the period intervemng beteween the primary and eventual delivery of the papers for the benefit of the grantee or his heirs, should either become entitled to the property. Possibly such might have been the effect of the transaction, without any written stipulation, as an escrow takes effect,
Upon the whole, I am satisfied that the will neither passed nor in any way affected the title to the premises described in the deeds to and from Mr. Ludlow, or in the deeds and accompanying explanatory instruments; to John Hunter, jun.; or to the proceeds, avails, rents, issues, profits, or income thereof, (except, of course, the rents, issues, profits and income of the property, or its avails, conveyed by the Ludlow deeds, winch accrued previous to the testator’s decease.) An account must be taken of what was received by the testator on account of the property
The devise to the testator’s granddaughters of all his lands in great lot Ho-. 25, in the Hardenburgh patent, lying in the county of Greene, from and after the death of his son, can operate only upon the portions of that lot held by him in his own right, for reasons which have been already stated by me. That devise, too, includes only the testator’s part of the lot which was situated in the county of Greene. The words, “ lying in the county of Greene,” could not have been designed as descriptive of the last preceding antecedent, the Hardenburgh patent, nor of the lot, as neither lies wholly in that county; but must have referred to the lands intended to be devised. It may apply to them without any contradiction or discrepancy; as words of restriction after a general designation, are not productive of inconsistency. So too, the general rule that the reference must be to the first antecedent, is inapplicable to a description consisting of several particulars. In that case each qualifies the primary and principal designation, and neither can be rejected, unless it is contradictory, and then only the less important. In this case, the description, taken together, calls for the following qualifications of the lands devised. They must be the testator’s ; must be in lot Ho. 25 of the Hardenburgh patent; and must lie in the
In devising his .property situated in the county of Greene, the testator uses the words, “ all my lands,” without any other denomination of.-the subject matter, and it was made a question on the argument whether those terms, used in that clause and elsewhere, and standing alone, included rents under perpetual leases. I have already said that the right to those rents was real estate, and passed under a devise of such estate, ré'ferring to the locality of the land. But whether a devise in general terms, of the testator’s lands in a county, -passes his right to rents under perpetual leases on lands in such county,- is a much more difficult.question. A question somewhat, although not entirely, analogous, was discussed but not decided in the case of Huntington v. Forkson, before the court for the correction of errors, (6 Hill, 149.) It was also raised in the late supreme court, in the cases of The People v. Haskins, (17 Wend. 463,) and Payne v. Beal, (4 Denio, 405.) The question in the two cases in the supreme court was whether the landlord’s right could be sold under an execution against real estate. In the case in Wendell it was decided that it could be; in the case in Hill it was decided the other way. In a case lately before the court of appeals it was decided that the lessee had a determinable fee, and the lessor had, in addition to his right to receive his rent, a mere right of forfeiture. When there is a determinable fee
In the instances where the testator had entered into contracts for the sale of lands held by him in his own right, the portions
In the bequest of twenty thousand dollars to each of the granddaughters, there is a positive direction that their legacies shall be paid out of the personal estate. That, taken by itself, would make them payable out of that part of such estate which was not specifically bequeathed. In the previous specific bequest of certain funds in the hands of Mr, Powers, to the grandson, it is declared that they are- subject to the pay
Should John Hunter, jun. attain the age of twenty-five years he will, as I have already intimated, take lots 4 and 5 in that part of the Hardenburgh patent lying in the county of Sullivan, under the deed, and not at all under the will, and consequently there will be no remainder in those lots, to pass to the granddaughters, under the codicil.
The devise over of the share of the Sackett farm of either granddaughter who may die in the lifetime of her father, to her lawful issue if she shall leave any, must necessarily take effect, if at all, immediately upon the termination of the life estate of the father. The devise to the survivor or survivors or the issue of any whq may have previously died, is not confined in terms to a death within the lifetime of the father. But as the two clauses are connected by the copulative conjunction “ and,” both relate to the same property, and provide for consistent alternatives, there can be no doubt that the testator contemplated in each the same period. Neither, therefore, suspended the power of alienation beyond the life of one person.
The restriction of the right to sell the Bayard farm until John Hunter, jun. should attain the age of twenty-five years, was upon him personally, and could not extend beyond his life, '
There is nothing in the devise of the Bayard farm, or of Hunter’s Island, Hart Island and the Provoost farm, which can suspend the absolute power of alienation as to either for more than two lives in being at the death of the testator. A life estate is devised to the plaintiff; and the disposition of those lands, upon his death, will depend upon the election, or omission to elect, of John Hunter, jun. within the next forty days. Neither the right, nor prescribed omission, to elect, can extend beyond the life of the person upon whom the power is devolved. The suspension of the power of alienation must therefore be at an end before or at the time of his death, should that happen within the forty days.
Neither the requisition in the will that John Hunter, jun. should, on electing to move to Hunter’s Island upon the death of his father,- lease to his mother and three sisters the Bayard farm, for their residence, free of rent so long as they should remain single, nor the direction in the codicil that on mating such election he should execute a deed for the Bayard farm to his three sisters, subject to the use and occupation thereof by them and their mother and the survivors and survivor of them so long as they should remain unmarried, would effect a suspension of the power of alienation at all, within the meaning of the statute. The rights of those ladies would be mere charges upon the land, which they could release. They could unite with the principal owner and convey an absolute fee in possession, at any time. Such action could not possibly be coerced, but the statute refers to the power, and not to the greater or less probability of its execution. In the case of Mason v. Jones, the judges of the court of appeals, in their consultation, agreed that the charge of an annuity for life after the termination of two lives in being, upon the rents and profits of land, did not suspend the absolute power of alienation, within the statute.
The fee simple absolute devised to John Hunter, jun. in the will, in a large portion of the real estate, is, unfortunately for him, changed by the codicil into a fee defeasible upon his dying
There is not the slightest reason for supposing that the fee simple devised to John Hunter, jun. in the will is reduced by the codicil to a mere life estate.
It was contended, on the argument, by the- counsel for John Hunter, jun. that the devise over to his sisters of the lands previously given to his father for life and then to him in fee, upon his dying without leaving lawful issue at the time of his death, was too remote, as it might suspend the power of alienation during the lives of his father and himself and of any number of his children who might die before him, and who might not have been in being at the time of the death of the testator. It is true that the power of alienation might be suspended during the lives of the plaintiff and of John Hunter, jun. and any number of his children; but the statute has reference to the lives the continuance of which actually suspend the power, and the power is in no manner suspended by the lives of the children of John Hunter, jun. The suspense must necessarily fexist during the lives of himself and his father, and no longer, whether his children die in his lifetime or survive him. The j question is not how many may die during the term of the sus-1 pension, but how many of those upon whose lives the suspension1', is made to depend. Otherwise, as thousands die every hour, there could be no suspension at all. I am not in favor of tying up the estates of persons who are capable of taking care of them, and very much doubt the expediency of restricting the estate given in the will to the grandson and the only male descendant, in that degree, of the testator; but I must administer the law as I find it,
There is nothing to invalidate the devises in the 6th, 7th and 8th clauses of the will, of certain lots in Hew-York to the
The remainder in the land given to Mary Mills for life, devised to John Hunter, jun. is included in the contingent devise over to the granddaughters, upon his dying without issue. The words in which the devise over is contained, in the codicil, are very comprehensive, and include all and every.part and portion of the real estate which passed to John Hunter, jum under the will.
The charge upon the income of the estate, for the education of the grandchildren, is not void as illegally suspending the power of alienation of the real estate, and the absolute ownership of the personal property. It might be presently released by each, but for their minority; and a suspension resulting simply from minority is not such as is contemplated by the statute. The executors are of course authorized to retain out of the residuum of the personal estate and invest the requisite fund to produce an income sufficient to complete the education of the grandchildren.
They can in like manner retain and invest a sufficient amount to produce the requisite income to pay the annuity to Mary Mills.
The amount in each case may be settled by Mr. Miller, who has heretofore been appointed a referee in this action; and it must be declared that upon a separation thereof from the general fund the residue of the estate shall be exonerated from the charges, unconditionally as it respects the grandchildren, and so far as relates to Mary Miller, upon her written consent:
Questions were raised, upon the argument, as to the nature and extent of the estate.of John Hunter, jun; in the Bayard farm and of his eventual estate in Hunter’s Island; Hart Island, and the Provoost farm. My impressions as to these may be inferred from what 1 have already said, but the questions are so important to the parties interested that they should be clearly and directly settled.
He takes a present fee in the Bayard farm, with a restriction
Barculo, Brown and S. B. Strong, Justices.]
There can be no question as to the disposition of those islands and the Provoost farm, should John Hunter, jun. die in the lifetime of his father with or without surviving issue, or in case of his own election to take the same, should he survive his father.
It may be proper to declare that the plaintiff is the trustee for his children, and will continue such during their respective minorities.
A decree must be entered in conformity with this opinion. The necessary accounts may be taken by Mr. Miller, the former referee, whose appointment as such should be continued.
The costs of all the parties, including reasonable counsel fees, must be paid out of the residuum of the personal estate bequeathed in the 18th clause Of the will.
Liberty must be reserved to any of the parties to apply to this court for such additions to the decree as may be rendered necessary by any future event.