It was a good plea, at common law, in an action of debt for rent, by virtue of a parol demise, or upon a lease not under the seal of the lessee, that the plaintiff had nothing in the tenements at the time of the lease; (Co. Litt. by Thomas, 415; Syllivan v. Stradling, 2 Wils., 217); and the reason of this is, according to Lord Coke, that “ in every contract there must be quid pro quo, and therefore, if the lessor hath nothing in the land, the lessee hath not quid pro quo, nor anything for which he should pay a rent.” If the lease be made by deed indented, then both parties are concluded, and this plea cannot be interposed. The lessee in that case is bound by a technical estoppel, by deed, to deny that the term passed by the lease. Further exceptions to the rule of the common law, have been created by the modern doctrine of equitable estoppeb arising out of circumstances unconnected with a deed. Thus, it has been very often decided that in debt or assumpsit for use and occupation, the defendant cannot deny the title of the lessor. (Lewis, v. Willis, 1 Wils., 314; Cooke v.Loxley, 5 Term R., 4; Phipps v. Schulthorpe, 1 Barn, & Aid.
But the defendant’s counsel argues that the present is not an action for use and occupation, but one foupded upon the express contract of the defendant, and if maintainable at all, it is upon facts irrespective of any occupation and enjoyment of the premises; and if the complaint alone be examined the position is correct. No entry or occupation is alleged, but only a demise, and an agreement by the defendant to pay the rent, contained in a writing not under seal. If the defendant in his answer had confined himself to a denial that the plaintiff, at the time of the demise, had
Another aspect in which the defence is presented by the defendant’s argument is, that upon the facts admitted by the demurrer, the defendant’s undertaking to pay the rent was without consideration. The agreement by the plaintiff that the defendant should quietly enjoy the premises, which is implied in the fact of a demise, would be a sufficient answer to his objection, if there had been no actual occupation. ( The Mayor of New-York v. Mabic, 3 Kern., 151; Whitney v. Lewis, 21 Wend., 131.)
The second defence set up in the answer is clearly insufficient. No eviction is shown; but if it had been, it would have been no answer to the claim for the first year’s rent, the answer conceding that during that year the defendant occupied without disturbance. ( Giles v. Comstock, 4 Comst., 270.)
The judgment must be affirmed, aaoe
I do not think this case falls within the rule that a tenant cannot dispute the right of his landlord, either in an action to recover possession of the demised premises, or for the rent in arrear. The lease referred to in the complaint is not said to be an indenture, executed by both parties, but is simply said to be in writing, and must therefore be taken to be a parol demise. Neither is it said that the defendant entered into possession and held under the demise. In the absence of a deed executed by both parties, or an actual entry, the relation of landlord and tenant did not strictly exist.
The demise was for the term of two years, by writing not under seal, reserving rent, payable quarterly, which the defendant promised to pay. An agreement for quiet enjoy
The first count or allegation of the defendant’s answer sets up as a defence the plaintiff’s want- of any interest or estate in the demised premises, and that no estate, term or interest passed to, or became vested in the defendant by virtue of the lease. This is an insufficient ground of defence upon the authority of Whitney v. Lewis (21 Wend., 131), which was an action upon a bond, given for the purchase money for lands sold by the obligee to the obligor, with a covenant in the deed for quiet enjoyment. The defendant pleaded that the plaintiff had no title to the land conveyed, and no right to convey, and that there was no consideration for the bond. The plea was held bad upon demurrer, upon the ground that the covenant for quiet enjoyment was a sufficient consideration for the bond.
The second allegation in the answer sets out as a defence the recovery of a judgment by one William Williams, plaintiff, against Charles W. Smith, the defendant in this action, in the Superior Court of the City of Buffalo, in an action to recover possession of the demised premises, which judgment was rendered on or about the 10th day of May, 1856. The term commenced on the 1st day of May, 1855, and the action was brought on the 3d day of May, 1856, to recover one year’s rent then in arrear. It is not said upon what title Williams obtained his judgment, nor is it alleged that the defendant has been evicted, or deprived of the possession. In pleading an eviction, the plea must state an eviction or expulsion of the tenant from the demised premises, and the keeping him out of possession until after the rent became due; otherwise it is bad. (1 Saunders, 204,
The-judgment upon the demurrer should be affirmed.
All the other judges concurring,
Judgment affirmed.