In Re Lg Electronics, Inc.

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Cou1t of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit IN RE LG ELECTRONICS, INC. 201 1- 1248 (Reexan1inati0n No. 90/008,522)` Appeal from the United States Patent and Traden1ark Office, Board of Patent Appea1s and Interferences. ON MOTION ORDER LG E1ectronics, Inc. moves without opposition for a 31-day extension of tiIne, until November 28, 2011, to file its reply brief. Upon consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: TI1e motion is granted IN RE LG ELECTRONICS 2 FOR THE COURT 1 7 /s)' Jan H0rba1y Date J an H0rba1y cc: Eric A. ShumSky, Esq. Raymond T. Chen, Esq. C1erk s2 1 ma FlLED count me Fsne°§AiTE?:i»SnF°“ 0C_T 1 7ZOH .lAN H‘.0RBALY " C|.ERK