NOTE: This order is n0nprecedentia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit RATES TECHN0L0GY, INC., Pz¢mm'f;§ ~ AND JAMES B. HICKS, Plain,tiff-Appellant, V. MEDIATRIX TELECOM, INC. AND MEDIA5 CORPORATION, - Defendants-Appel£ees, AND BURKE, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN, LLP, Defendan,t. 2011-1384 Appea1 from the United States District C0urt for the Eastern District of New Y0rk in case n0. 05-CV-2755, Judge J0anna Seybert. ON MOTION ORDER RATES TECH V. MEDIATRIX TELECOM 2 Mediatr:ix Telecom, Inc. and Media5 Corporation move for a 14-day extension of ti1ne, until November 10, 2011, to file its response brief. Upon consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT; The motion for an extension of time is granted FoR THE CoUR'r 2 7 /s/ Jan Horbaly Date J an Horba1y Clerk oct Ja1nes B. Hicks, Esq. Ethan HorWitz, Esq. __ FlLED u.s. comm oF is ron 321 ms mnERAiPrffzi:un 0CT 2 7 2011 .IAN HORBAL\' CLERK