Arlington Industries, Inc. v. Bridgeport Fittings, Inc.

NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC., Plaintiff-Cr0ss Appellan,t, ~ V. BRIDGEPORT FITTINGS, INC., Defendom,t-Appellan.t. 2010-1377, -1400, -1408 Appea1 from the United States Dist1'ict C0urt for the Midd1e District of Pennsylvania in consolidated case nos. 01-CV-0485 and 05-CV-2622, Judge Christopher C. Con- ner. ON MOTION Before BRYSON, ScHALL, and PRosT, Circuiz Judges. SCHALL, Circuit Judge. 0 R D E R Ar1ington Indust:ries, Inc. moves without opposition to remand this case to the United StateS DiStriot Court for the Midd1e District of PennSy1vania pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) of the Ru1es of Federa1Appe11ate Pr0cedure. ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES V. BRIDGEPORT 2 Arlington appea1s, inter a1ia, from the district court’s ruling that certain of Bridgeport Fittings, Inc.’s products, including the Duplex Connectors product, do not infringe Arlington’s patent. This appeal was stayed pending disposition of Arlington In,du,s., Inc. v. Bridgeport Fittings, In,c., 632 F`.3d 1246 (Fed. Cir. 2011), a separate appeal involving the same patent and Duplex Connectors prod- uct, in which this court vacated a finding of non- infringement due to an erroneous claim construction Arlington states that it moved for an indicative ruling pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 62.1, whether the district court would vacate the portion of its underlying judgment relating to the Duplex Connect0rs in light of this court’s decision in the prior appeal The district court indicated pursuant to Rule 62.l(a)(3) that it would grant the mo- tion, and Arlington states that “the parties have agreed that if the Court remands, they will stipulate to the dismissal without prejudice of their claims regarding the Duplex Connectors." Briefing in this case on the remain- ing issues will proceed. The court grants the motion. We retain jurisdiction over these appeals and the remaining issues currently being briefed S'ee Fed. R. App. P. 12(b)(l). Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED THATZ The motion to remand is granted to limited extent ex- plained above The court retains jurisdiction over these appeals. 3 ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES V. BRIDGEPORT NOV 04 2011 Date cci Kathryn L. Clune, Esq. S Deanne E. Maynard, Esq. FoR THE CoURT /s/ J an Horbaly J an Horba1y Clerk FlLED u.s. count or APPF_ALs FOR ms renew c1Rcun‘ N0vt04 2011 1 ma sonam s cram