In Re Td Scottrade, Inc.

NOTE: This order is n011precedentia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit IN RE TD AMERITRADE, INC., Petition,er. - Misce11ane0us D0cket N0. 107 011 Petiti0n for Writ of MandamuS to the United StateS DiStrict C0urt for the EaStern DiStriCt of TexaS..ir1 case no 10-CV-320, Chief Judge David J. F01S0m. IN RE SCOTTRADE, INC., Petiti0ner. Misce1lane0us D0cket N0. 109 On Petiti0n for Writ of Mandamus to the United States District C0urt for the Eastern District of TexaS in case no 10-CV-32O, Chief Judge David J. F01S0m. IN RE TD AMERITRADE 2 ON MOTION ORDER Ganas, LLC moves without opposition for a thirty-two day extension of time, until January 9, 2012, to file its joint opposition to the petitions for writ of mandamus filed by petitioners 'l`D AIneritrade, Inc. and Scottrade, Inc. Up0n consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: The motion for an extension of time is granted FoR THE CoURT nov 30 2011 /s/ J an Horba1__\; Date J an Horba1y Clerk cc: Michael Hawes, Esq. Zachariah Spear Harringt0n., Esq. Jason M. SchWent, Esq. C1erk, United States District Court for the Eastern District of TeXas s25 F 9 § ~§ 11 931 l'qoj §§ l”' <_.z§¢’ §§ LS FOR U|`|' NOV 3 0 2011 .lAN HORBAL¥ CLERK