NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit TUWANA ANTHONY,, V. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, Respon,den.t. 2011-314-5 _ Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection Board in case no. CH0752080323-I-4. ON MOTION ORDER Tuwana J. Anthony moves for reconsideration of the court’s order dated October 5, 2011 dismissing her petiton for review for failure to file a brief The court notes that Anthony submitted a nonconforming brief with her mo- tion for reconsideration Upon consideration thereof, IT IS ORDERED THATZ ANTHONY V. TREASURY 2 The motion will be g'ranted, the mandate will be re- called, the dismissal order will be Vacated, and the peti- tion for review will be reinstated if, within 30 days of the date of filing of this order, Anthony files 12 copies of her corrected brief containing the previously omitted re- quirements of a blue cover, the nature of proceedings, a certificate of interest, the statement of related cases, the table of authorities and a proportionally spaced face of 14 point or larger that must include serifs. FoR THE CoURT DEC 97 2911 /S/ Jan H0rba1y Date J an Horbaly Clerk ccc Thomas E. Marsha1l, Esq. Cameron Cohick, Esq. .F5g_Eg s21 DEC 0 7 2811 .IAN HORBALY CLERK ll COURT F APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL ClRCUlT
Anthony v. Dept. Of the Treasury
Combined Opinion