Rogers v. Tristar Products, Inc.

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit BRUCE A. ROGERS, Plain,tiff-Appellant, V. TRISTAR PRODUCTS, INC., Defen,dant-Appellee, AND UNITED STATES, Defenclcmt-Cross-Appellant. ° 2011-1494, -1495 Appea1s from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsy1vania in case no. 11-CV-1111, Judge Eduard0 C. R0breno. ON MOTION ORDER Upon consideration of Bruce A. R0gerS’s motion for panel rec0nsideration, IT IS ORDERED T1~1AT: ROGERS V. TRISTAR PRODUCTS 2 TriStar Products, Inc. and the United States are directed to respond to Rogers’s arguments regarding the constitutionality of applying 35 U.S.C. § 292 as amended by the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act to this case within 30 days from the date of filing of this order. FoR THE CoURT FEB 1 5 /s/ Jan Horba1y Date J an Horba1y, Clerk FlLED cc: Edward T. Kang, Esq. U.S.C01JR|LOF APPEALS FOR EdWard P. Bakos, Esq. THE FE“ERALcmw'T Douglas N. Letter, Esq. |-'[B 1 5 2[]1Z 319 " .1ANHnnaA1v . cuin\<