NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit IN RE ABBOTT DIABETES CARE, INC. 2011-1516, -1517 (Reexamination Nos. 90/007,903, 90/007,910) Appeals from the United StateS Patent and Trade- mark Ofiice, Board of Patent Appea1S and Interferences. ON MOTION ORDER Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc. (“Abbott") moves for a 30- day extension of tin1e, until March 14, 2012, to file its reply brief Upon consideration thereof IT ls OR1)ERE1:) THAT: The motion for an extension of time is granted FOR THE COURT FEB 2 1 2012 lsi Jan Horbaly Date Jan Horbaly Clerk FlLED U.S. CDUF|T 0F APPEALS FOH THE FEDERAL C|RCUlT FEB 21ZU12 JAN |'\DFlBALV CLERl( IN RE ABBOTT DIABETES cc: Gregory A. Castanias, Esq Rayrnond T. Chen, Esq. s25