NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit AFFINITY LABS OF TEXAS, LLC, Plaintiff-Cross Appellant, ' V. HYUNDAI MOTOR AMERICA, INC., HYUNDAI MOTOR MANUFACTURING ALABAMA LLC, AND KlA MOTORS AMERICA, INC., Defendamis~Appellan,ts, , AND _ VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA, INC., Defendant-Appellan,t. 2011-1350, -1365, -1386 Appeals from the United States District C0urt for the Eastern District of Texas in case n0. 08-CV-()164, Judge R,0n C1a1'k. ON MOTION Bef0re SCHALL, Circu,it Judge. 0 R D E R AFFIN[TY LABS V. HYUNDAI MOTOR 2 Hyundai Motor America, Inc., et al. (Hyundai) move to stay the briefing schedule in this appeal, pending disposition of Akam,ai Techn0logies, In,c. u. Limelight Netw0rk3, Inc., 2009-1372, -138O, -1416, -1417, and McKesson Technologies, Inc. v. Epic System,s Corp., 2010- 1291. Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC (Affinity) opposes Hyundai replies. Hyundai moves in the alternative for an extension of time, until December 14, 2011, to file its opening brief. Aff1nity opposes. Affinity also moves to substitute L. Norwood Jameson for Kristina Caggiano as principal counsel, with Caggiano remaining as counsel. Upon consideration thereof lT IS ORDERED THAT! (1) Hyundai’s motion to stay the briefing schedule is denied. Hyundai’s alternative motion for an extension of time is granted ' (2) Affinity’s motion to substitute principal counsel is granted FOR THE COURT 0CT 1 1 2011 ' lsi Jan Horba1y Date J an Horbaly 01 k er men . . . U.S.C0 cci H1st1na Cagg1ano, Esq. 0R Patricia Ann Mi1lett, Esq. Michael J. Lennon, Esq. 1 1 zell L. NorW0od James0n, Esq. 820 1AN l~l0RBALY
Affinilty Labs v. Hyundai Motors
Combined Opinion