In Re Cyclobenzaphine Hydrochloride Extended-Release Capsule Patent Litigation

NOTE: This order is n0nprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit IN RE CYCLOBENZAPRINE HYDROCHLORIDE EXTENDED~RELEASE CAPSULE PATENT LITIGATION . EURAND, INC. (NOW KNOWN AS APTALIS PHARMATECH, INC.) AND ANESTA AG, Plain,tiffs-Appellants, V. _ ANCHEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. AND ANCHEN, INC., Defendants-Appellees. 2011-1408, -141(}, -1411, -1412 Appea1s from the United States District C0urt for the District of De1aware in case n0. 09-MD-2118, Judge Sue L. R0bins0n. ON MOTION ORDER EURAND V. ANCHEN PHARMA 2 Upon consideration of the appellants motion to with- draw these appea1s, and the motion to revise the official caption, IT ls ORDERED THAT: (1) The motion to withdraw the appeals is granted The appeals are dismissed (2) The motion to revise the caption is granted The revised official caption is reflected above. ' (3) Each side shall bear its own costs (4) Any other pending motions are denied as 1noot_. FoR THE CoURT mm 3 1 lsi Jan Horbaly Date J an Horba1y C1erk cc: Wi11ian:1 J. Marsden, Jr., Esq. Donald J. Mizerk, Esq. s2O 1ssUED As A MANDATE; AUG 3 1 wl FlLED u.s. count or m=PEALs ron 11-le FEoEsAL cannon AUG 3 1 2011 JAN HORBiLY C|.ERK