Toshiba Corp. v. Imation Corp.

NOTE: ThiS order is nonprececle11tial. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit TOSHIBA CORPORATION, Plaintiff-Appellont, ~ V. IMATION CORP., MOSER BAER INDIA LTD., GLYPHICS MEDIA, INC., CMC MAGNETICS CORP., HOTAN CORP., KHYPERMEDIA CORP., RITEK CORP., AND ADVANCED MEDIA, INC., Defendan.ts-Appellees. _ 2011-1204 Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in case no. 09-CV-0305, MagiStrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. ON MOTION ORDER ToShiba Corporati0n moves for a 30-day extension of time, until September 12, 2011, to file its reply brief Imation Corp., et al. oppose Toshiba replies TOSHIBA CORP v. IMATIoN CoRP 2 Upon consideration thereof lT lS ORDERED THATZ The motion is granted FOR THE CoURT 0 5 /s/ Jan Horbal__\; Date Jan Horbaly Clerk cci Deanne E. Maynard, ESq. FELEn Alan D. Smith, Esq. B.8. O0URT 0F APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL C|RCU1T 321 _ AUG 05 2011 `JAN HORBAL\' CLERK