Bywaters v. United States

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit ASHBURN BYWATERS, CARL LANCASTER, BETTY L. HOHENBERGER, ORMAN RODERICK, JUNE RODERICK, AND NAN O. BEELER, Plaintiffs-Appellan,ts, V. UNITED STATES, Defen,d0m,t-Appellee. 2011-1032 Appeal from the United States District C0urt for the Eastern DiStrict of TeXaS in case n0. 99-CV-0451, Judge Le0nard Davis. ON MOTION Bef0re PROST, Circuit Judge. 0 R D E R The appellants move for leave to exceed the word limitation and file a reply brief containing up to 10,0U0 W0rds. The United States 0pp0ses. BYWATERS V. UNITED STATES Upon consideration thereof IT IS 0RDERED THATZ 2 The motion is denied. The appellants reply brief, not to exceed 7,000 w0rds, is due within 14 days of the date of filing of this 0rder. FoR THE CoURT ,glj 1 2 2911 151 Jan H01~ba1y Date J an Horbaly cc: Cecilia Fex, Esq. S Ellen J. Durkee, Esq. Clerk 20 _ § §§ ”‘§ §§:: rag §Y= as LS FOR U1T JUL 12 2011 JAN HDRBAL¥ CLEH(