NOTE: This order is n0np1'ecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit RICOH COMPANY, LTD., RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION, AND RICOH ELECTRONICS, INC., Appellants, V. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, AND OKI DATA CORPORATION AND OKI DATA AMERICAS, INC., In,terven,ors. 2011-1236 011 appeal from the United StateS Inter11ati0nal Trade C0mmisSi0n in InVeStigati0n N0. 337-TA-69(). ON MOTION ORDER Ric0h C0mpany, Ltd., et a1. move to withdraw their appeal Up0n consideration thereof RICOH CO LTD V. ITC 2 IT ls ORDERED THAT: (1) The motion to withdraw is grants-d. The appeal is dismissed (2) Each side shall bear its own c0sts. FOR THE COURT NAY 2 7 wl /S/ Jan H@rba1y Date J an H0rbaly Clerk cc: J0hn Allc0ck, Esq. Daniel E. Valencia, Esq. V. J ames Adduci, II, Esq. s21 Issued As A Mandate: mm 2 7 o _ u's’fHE!§f§liEAEl.`é::'i§*C'ilSnFoR md 27 2011 women am