NOTE: This order is n0nprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit REGINALD B. DEJOHNETTE, Plaintiff-Appellant, ' V. CHARLES LEE, CARL MILLNER, RANDY SID, SI~IERI KETNOR, SUE NORTON, FRAN'CES _ MAXWELL, ANDERA GUYOT, AND ANDREA _ MOBLEY, Defendants-Appellees. § 2011-1079 Appea1 from the United States District C0urt for the N0rthern District of Ca1if0rnia in case n0. 08-CV-4844, Judge MaXine M. Chesney. REGINALD B. DEJOHNETTE, Plaintiff-Appellant, V. SUSAN HUBBARD, MIKE EVANS, N. GRANNIS, A. HEDGPETH, G. NEOTTI, B. RANKIN, G.R. SALAZAR, J. A. AGAlVIAO, ELOY MEDINA, T. VARIZ, M. LOPEZ, K. J. ALLEN, AND J. BURLESON, Defendamfs-Appellees. DEJOHNETTE V. LEE 2 2011-1097 Appea1 from the United S1;ates District Court for the Northern District of Ca1ifornia in case no. 08-CV-5604, Judge MaXine M. Chesney. ORDER _ The appellant having not filed a brief in these mat- ters, IT Is ORDERED THAT: l The appeals are dismissed FOR THE COURT HAY 1 3 2011 /s/ Jan Horba1y J an H0rba1y C1erk Date ccc Regina1d B. DeJ0h11ette Erin B. Su1livan, Esq. s8 Issued As AMandate: MA¥ 1 3 2011 FlLED s.s. c0uR'r or APPEALs FoR mr FEnERAL mann mr MAY 13 2011 .lM|HDRBALY CLEHK