Mag Instruments, Inc. v. The Brinkman Corp.

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit MAG INSTRUMENT, INC., Appellcmt, V. THE BRINKMANN CORPORATION, Cross-AppelIant. 2011-1052, -1053 (Opposition N0s. 91164169, 91164340, and 91163534) Appea1 from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. ON MOTION ORDER Tl1e Brinkrnann Corporation moves for a 14-day ex- tension of tin1e, until April 13, 2011, to file its principal brief, until May 23, 2011, for l\/lag Intrument, Inc. to file its reply brief, and until June 6, 2011 for The Brinkmann Corporati0n to file its reply brief. Upon consideration thereof MAo1NsTRoMEN'r v. BR1NKMANN o0RP IT ls 0RDERED THAT: The motion is granted FoR THE CoURT 0 6 /sf Jan Horbal__\[ Date ccc Robert C. Weiss, Esq. Gary A. Clark, Esq. s21 J an Horb aly C1erk '3~r.“22§§l*’tifZTt»@t=,r°“ APR 0 6 2011 JAl|'URBAl.¥ am