Synqor, Inc. v. Artesyn Technologies, Inc.

NOTE: ThiS order is n0nprecedential. United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit SYNQOR, INC., Plaintiff-Appellee, V. ARTESYN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. AND ASTE_C AMERICA, INC., Defendants-Appellan,ts, AND BEL FUSE, INC., Defendcm,t-Appellant, _ AND CHEROKEE INTERNATIONA.L CORP. AND LINEAGE POW'ER CORP., Defen,dants-Appellan,ts, AND DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC., DELTA PRODUCTS CORP., MURATA ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA, INC., MURATA MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., MURATA POVVER SOLUTIONS, INC., AND POWER-ONE, INC., Defendants-Appellants. 2011-1191, -1192, -1193, -1194 SYNQOR V. ARTESYN TECH 2 Appeals from the United States District C0urt for the Eastern District of Texas in case no. 07-CV-O497, Judge T. John Ward. ON MOTION Before BRYSON, Circuit Judge. 0 R D E R SynQor, Inc. moves to vacate the c0urt’s March 10, 2011 grant of the appellants joint motion for a 60-day extension of time, until l\/lay 31, 2011, to file their opening briefs and to deny the appellants motion for an extension of time. Tl1e appellants oppoSe. Upon consideration thereof, IT ls ORDERED TH_AT: (1) SynQor’s motion to vacate is granted (2) The appellants motion for an extension of time is granted in part. The appellants shall file their briefs no later than l\/lay 2, 2011 FoR THE CoURT 11AR 1 8 2011 /s/ J an H0rbal_\[ Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Dona1d R. Dunner, Esq. Constantine L. Trela, Jr., Esq. ll 171 cr Steven N. Williams, Esq. PEALS mg Alan D. Smith, ESq. LC|RCU1T Eric W. Benisek, Esq. MAR 1 8 2011 ¢ §» §§ §§ §§ Wi11iam F. Lee, Esq. 519 umwa arm