NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit STEPHEN SLESINGER, INC., - Appellant, V. DISNEY ENTERPRISES, INC., Appellee. 2011-1593 ` (Opposition N0s. 91179064, 91182358, 91183644, 91186026, 91187261, 91188860, 91191230, 91192691, 91194551, 91196019, and 91198046; and Cance1lati0n No. 92046853) Appea1 from the United StateS Patent and T1'ade1nark Office, Tradernark Tria1 and Appeal Board. ON MOTION ORDER DiSney EnterpriSes, Inc. moves without opposition for leave to withdraw Shabna1n Ma1ek and Kristin Hal1 as counsel of record SLESINGER V, DISNEY ENTERPRISES Up011 consideration thereof IT IS 0RDERED THATZ The motion is granted 2 FOR THE CoURT MAR 3 0 2012 /s/ Jan Horbaly Date J an Horba1y cc: 1\/lark E. Mi11er, Esq. R0ger L. ZiSsu, Esq. Clerk s21 FlLED. U.S. CUUHT 0F APPEALS FOH THE FE[]EF!AL CIRCUlT MAR 30 2012 `.1A1\1u0naALv cLEa\<