NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit CASITAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, Plo:intiff-Appellant, V. UNITED STATES, Defendcmt-Appellee. 2012-5()33 Appeal from the United States Court of Federal Claims in case n0. O5~CV-168, Seni0r Judge John P. Wiese. ON MOTION ORDER The United States moves for a 55-day extension of time, until l\/lay 30, 2012, to file its response brief. Casitas Munioipal Water District moves for a 30-day extension of time, until July 13, 2012, to file its reply brief. Upon consideration thereof, lT lS ORDERED THATZ CASlTAS MUNlCIPAL WATER DlST V. US The motions are granted. APR 03 2012 Date cc: R0ger J. Marzulla, Esq. Katherine J. Bart0n, Esq. Roderick E. Walston, Esq. J. David Breemer, Esq. Jennifer L. Spaletta, Esq. 2 FOR THE COUR'I‘ fs/ J an Horb a1y J an H0rbaly Clerk FlLED U.S. COUF\T 0F APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL C|HCUlT 319 t APR 03 2012 ~ JAN HOBBAL\‘ CLEHK
Casitas Municipal Water District v. United States
Combined Opinion