Opinion by
In the year 1867, a number of persons organized a partnership association, under the name of the Meadville Savings Bank, for the purpose of dealing in exchange, bills, notes and other securities, and carrying on a general banking business. Somewhat later, articles of association were prepared and signed, wherein it was provided that the capital stock of $50,000 (after-wards reduced to $30,000) should be divided into shares of $100 each; that such shares should be always deemed hypothecated for any indebtedness or liability of the holder to the partnership;- that the stock should not be assigned, save on the books of the association, and then not without the consent of the directors, of whom there should be nine, to be elected annually ; that upon such transfer the assignee should “ succeed and become subject to all the rights and obligations of an original party thereto; ” that the death of a stockholder should not dissolve the association, which should continue to exist until dissolved by a vote of the majority of the holders of the shares of stock entitled to representation, to be cast at a meeting called to specially consider the matter of dissolution; that the holders of stock by original subscription, transfer or otherwise, should, by virtue of such subscription or acceptance of such transfer, be subject to, and thereby take upon themselves, the several
The Meadville Savings Bank continued in business until January 13, 1894, when it closed its doors. Ten days afterwards, owing to insolvency, it made an assignment of all the partnership assets for the benefit of its creditors. During its continuance, transfers of its shares were made from time to time to persons not original subscribers: the last new member admitted to the firm being one Otto A. Stoltz, who purchased and had transferred to himself five shares, on January 8,1892. On August 2, 1893, H. C. Beman transferred ten shares to Gyrus Kitchen, an original partner. The learned auditors have found: “ That upon a transfer of stock or change in partnership interests no new books were opened nor were the accounts between the partners settled; that the business was conducted as before and there was no separation or distinction made between past and future liabilities or assets on the occasion of any transfer, and that the assets or moneys of the bank were used in discharging old obligations or in making new loans, without any reference to the transfer of stock and without regard to the time when liabilities so made were incurred; and that it was the custom of the bank to issue time certificates payable, generally, in one year from date, and when the same became due, to pay them either in cash or by new certificates, on the surrender of the old one, making no distinction between past and future assets or liabilities on the occasion of anj transfer of stock.”
In this respect the facts of the case in hand resemble those of Christy v. Sill, 131 Pa. 492.
The language of the resolution authorizing the assignment is as follows:
“Whereas, The association or copartnership known as the Meadville Savings Bank, on account of losses and misfortunes.Page 641being unable to continue its business, and on the 18th day of January, A. D. 1894, having been compelled to close its doors, therefore Resolved, That the said copartnership or firm go into liquidation, and the better to effect that purpose that the president of said association, Cyrus Kitchen, Esq., be authorized and instructed to make a general assignment of all and every of the assets of said association or copartnership for the benefit of its creditors; and that Jas. W. Smith, Esq., be the assignee.”
The assignee having filed a partial account, auditors were appointed to make distribution of the fund, and the case came before the court below on exceptions to their report.
It appears that there were three classes of depositors who claimed the right to participate in the distribution of the fund; (1) those who made deposits after August 2,1893, when H. C. Beman transferred his ten shares of stock to Cyrus Kitchen; (2) those who made deposits prior to that date and after January 8, 1892, when Otto Stoltz purchased and had transferred to him five shares of stock; (3) those who made deposits prior to the last mentioned date.
The question we are called upon to decide, is, who were the creditors of the Meadville Savings Bank at the time the resolution was passed and the deed of assignment made. We have the partnership agreement, the manner of conducting the business, and the resolution itself to guide us. The learned auditors adopted the view that the assigned estate “ belonged to the last partnership, or the one which conducted the business from the time Cyrus Kitchen purchased the stock of H. C. Be-man” and recommended distribution accordingly. We think this is the right conclusion, notwithstanding the able opinion of the learned judge of the court below to the contrary.
There are certain legal propositions concerning which there is and can be no dispute. We state them for the purpose only of narrowing the discussion to the vital and controlling question in the case. The general rule of law, in the absence of an agreement otherwise, is, that the retirement of one member or the admission of a new member works a dissolution of the partnership. If the retiring member sell his interest to the other members, or to a third person who is admitted as a member, and they continue the business, the creditors of the former firm have no equity attaching to the partnership effects of that firm
But while these rules govern ordinary partnerships, no rule of law forbids the partners to so frame their articles of copartnership as to change their rights and liabilities, and to deprive the retirement of an old partner and the introduction of a new one of many of the usual consequences of such action. Nor is any rule of public policy contravened by an agreement between the partners that a retiring partner shall not have the right to require a winding up of the business and an immediate payment of the debts out of the partnership assets, and that, in consideration of his surrendering that right, the firm as constituted after Iris retirement shall take all of the assets, continue the business as if no change of membership had taken place, and pay the debts. If tins were the clear meaning of the articles of copartnership there would be much force in the reasoning of the learned judge whereby he reached the conclusion that the firm as constituted after the withdrawal of a member would be liable to the creditors for the debts, upon the principle recognized in Adams v. Kuehn, 119 Pa. 76, and Delp v. Brewing Co., 123 Pa. 42, and kindred cases.
It will be observed, however, that in order to reach this conclusion, it is necessary to hold, in the first place, that the articles of copartnership contain such an agreement as we have referred to, and, in the second place, that it enured to the benefit of those who became creditors prior to the changes in the membership of the firm. Do the articles of copartnership contain an agreement which bound the new firm, created whenever a change of membership occurred, to pay past debts and to indemnify the retiring member against them ? This is the pinch of the case. The solution of this question depends finally on the construction of that clause of the provision relative to the transfer of stock which reads: “and upon such transfer the assignee or assignees of such share or shares shall thereby, as to such share or shares, succeed and become subject to all the rights and obligations of an original party thereto.” The ordinary rule is, that the purchaser of a partner’s interest acquires no right to be admitted to- the firm without the consent of the remaining partners, or to interfere in the partnership affairs. Wliat he acquires is simply the seller’s share of the assets after the partnership debts are paid. One purpose of the provision under consideration was to secure his admission into the new firm and to prevent a winding up of the business. It is questionable whether more was intended. An incoming partner may become liable for the debt of the old firm by agreement, but the presumption of law is against such liability and requires proof to remove it: Kountz v. Holthouse, 85 Pa. 235. Even if this were a new question, we should hesitate to say that this provision, standing by itself, could be construed as an agreement whereby a purchaser of a
For the same reasons we are compelled to the conclusion that the articles under consideration cannot be construed as binding the new firm, created when a change in membership took place, to pay the antecedent debts. They remained the debts of those who were members of the firm when the} were incurred, and so far as we can see the persons composing the Meadville Sav
As the whole right of property existed in those who constituted the firm after the last assignment of stock, their right to appropriate it to the partnership debts of that firm is clear and unquestionable: Baker’s Appeal, 21 Pa. 76.
The learned auditors have found that the legal effect of the resolution authorizing the assignment and the deed executed pursuant thereto was to vest the assets of the association in the hands of the assignee for the benefit of creditors of the partnership then existing, and which had its origin at the time of the transfer by Beman to Kitchen. This finding we think was correct- There is nothing in the circumstances attending the passage of the resolution or the making of the deed, nor in the writings themselves to justify any other conclusion. We must hold the assignment to have been intended for the benefit of those only who had, at the time it was made, a clear legal status as creditors of the firm which was the then owner of the assigned estate. It follows that the distribution recommended by the auditors is correct, except as to the claim of T. H. Apple. In the view taken of the main question by the learned judge it was not necessary to pass on his exceptions, hence they were not considered and no disposition was made of them. Not having been able to adopt his conclusion upon that question it now becomes necessary for us to consider these exceptions.
On August 2, 1893, when the last change in the partnership took place, T. H. Apple had a credit balance of $670.47. On December 1, 1893, his account was overdrawn $132.90. He made subsequent deposits so that on January 13, 1894, when the bank closed its doors, he had made good this overdraft and
In their supplemental report the auditors say “ that upon a transfer of stock or change in the partnership interests no new books were opened nor were the accounts between the partners settled; that the business was conducted as before and there was no separation or distinction made between past and future liabilities or assets on the occasion of any transfer, and that' the assets or moneys of the bank were used in discharging old obligations or in making new loans, without any reference to the transfer of stock and without regard to the time when the liabilities so made were incurredWhen, therefore, the new partnership honored the depositor’s checks against the balance which stood to his credit on August 2, 1893, or paid him in-any other way, it was understood by the parties, not as a loan or an overdraft, but as a discharge pro tanto of his obligation against the bank. Assume that the new partnership
So much of the decree as dismisses the exceptions to the auditors’ charge for compensation is affirmed. The rest of the decree is reversed and the cause is remitted to the court below with directions to make distribution in accordance with the auditors’ schedule A except as modified by the allowance of a dividend to T. H. Apple on his entire credit balance of $790.30. The costs of this appeal are directed to be paid out of the assigned estate.