ORIGINAL 05/23/2022 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA Case Number: AF 06-0163 AF 06-0163 MAY 2 3 2022 Bowen Grenvvood Clerk of Supreme Court qtnte nf Montana IN RE THE RULES OF CONTINUING LEGAL ORDER EDUCATION Following a publication of proposed revisions to the Rules of Continuing Legal Education, a comment period, and a public meeting on March 8, 2022, the Court approved one revision to Rule 5(B) for a fee increase, to take effect April 1, 2023. After discussion of the other proposed revisions, the Court tabled them pending further review by the Commission for Continuing Legal Education and discussion with the State Bar of Montana. Upon further consideration, the Court has determined to designate a working group to discuss the proposals and make recommendations to the Commission for a revised proposal. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the following individuals are appointed to serve on an ad hoc committee of this Court to review the Rules of Continuing Legal Education and make recommendations to the Commission for Continuing Legal Education for revision or repeal of any existing rules or enactment of any new rules: K. Paul Stahl, CLE Commission Chair Mary Sheehy Moe, CLE Commission Member Pamela D. Bucy, Chief Disciplinary Counsel Hon. Leslie Halligan, Fourth Judicial District Judge Colin M. Stephens, Attorney Aislinn Brown, Attorney and State Bar Trustee Justice Beth Baker will serve as the Court's liaison to and chair of the committee. The committee shall complete its work on or before October 1, 2022. The Clerk is directed to give notice of this Order to all members of the ad hoc committee, to members of the Commission on Continuing Legal Education, and to the State Bar of Montana. C' Dated this ci day of May, 2022. For the Court, Chief Justice 2