The opinion of the Court was delivered by
We are all clearly of opinion, not only, that the County Court had jurisdiction in this case, but that the remedy by scirefacias, can be had in that Court alone, where the judgment for the pénal sum of the administration bond, remains of record.
The proceedings in this case are not under the provisions of die Judiciary act, but under a provision contained in the 103d section of the probate act, it is a special provision, in a particular case.
By another provision of the probate act, the administration bond is directed to be taken to the Judge of probate, granting administration ; the general purpose of the condition of that bond is, to secure a faithful administration — to secure right and justice to be done by the administrator, to all who may have any interest in, or claim upon the estate. One part of the condition is, that the administrator, shall, on the settlement of the estate, deliver and pay to such person or persons respectively, as the Court of probate, by their decree or sentence, pursuant to the true intent and meaning of thp law, shall limit and appoint. This condition extends,as well to the debts and demands allowed and ordered to be paid, as to the distribution of the estate.
The remedy on this bond, provided by the 103d section of the probate act, before mentioned, is in substance — that, on application to the Judge of probate, by any person, who shall have been injured by a breach of the condition of the bond, the Judge, shall, on such applicant’s giving security for prosecution and the payment of costs, cause an action to be brought, in his, the judge’s name, on the
Now as to the question of jurisdiction, this case differs not from a bond of indemnity, or any bond with a defeasance — the penalty of the bond, not the sum due by the condition, or the amount of damages sustained by a breach, determines the jurisdiction. This bond is, in effect, a bond of indemnity, and the statute puts the prosecutor for his own interest in the place of the obligee, who is in fact no more than a trustee. Nor is it any objection, that the prosecutor might have resorted to another remedy, which might change the jurisdiction : that the prosecutor might in this case have brought an action of debt or assumpsit, for the amount of his demand allowed by the commissioners, and ordered by the judge to be paid, before a justice of the peace. In all cases where there are different remedies, it is at the option of the plaintiff which he will pursue— that, of course, which he thinks most for his advantage, most effectual. >
In a case like the present, the administrators might have become insolvent: the creditor is under no obligation to try that question, before he shall resort to the bond.
I will put a case — An intestate had in his lifetime, recovered a judgment in the Supreme Court for a sum less than fifty three dol