motion for Cuyahoga Appeals to certify.
*477PUBLISHER’S COLUMN The Ohio Law Abstract Entered as second class matter, February 28, 1923, at the Post Office, Cleveland, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Issued Every Saturday 50 Weeks of the Year SUBSCRIPTION PRICES AND TERMS One year (50 issues) Payable in Advance........$16.00 Single Numbers ..................................36 When cash is mailed to us in advance 20 per cent discount RENEWALS, not prepaid (per mo. $1.25)........$15.-00 No discount allowed after expiration date NEW RULE, effective July 1, 1926 — All delinquents for 60 days or more, discontinued without notice. DIGESTS and PRICES Ternary Digest, alone .....................'.....$7.50 Subject to 20 percent, if cash paid with order Abstract, one year, and Ternary Digest, if ordered and paid for together, net.......................$17.00 June Semi annual Digest, Free to all paid Abstract Subscribers. To non-subscribers to Abstract, net.. $1.50 December Annual Digest (Supplement to Ternary) 1926, net .................................... $3.00 To non subscribers to Abstract, net.............. $5.00 THE LAW ABSTRACT, COMPANY Office Editorial Rooms and Library 13916 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O. Address all mail communications to P. O. Box 2455, Cleveland EXPIRATIONS We send notices to subscribers, four weeks in advance of the date to which their subscription is paid, thus assuring them of ample knowledge in time to prepay renewals, and save the 20 per cent we give to those who mail the money in advance.