We shall, without expressing any opinion upon many of the assignments of error, discuss and decide the case upon its merits.
The facts which we deem material are as follows: Joseph L. Beury, a citizen of West Virginia, died intestate, leaving a large estate, consisting of real and personal property. Included in this estate were one hundred or more contiguous tracts of land, lying chiefly in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, comprising about 82,000 acres, and known as the “Meadow River” lands. The decedent left surviving him a widow, Julia A. Beury, and four children, who became the sole'owners of his estate.
A chancery suit was brought in the Circuit Court of Fayette county, West Virginia, for the settlement of the estate of Joseph L. Beury, and for division between his widow and heirs after the payment of his debts, which were very considerable in amount. On July 8, 1905, while this chancery suit was pending, the widow and heirs gave an option for thirty days to D. C. T. Davis, Jr., to purchase the Meadow river lands at $27.00 per acre, upon terms specified in the contract. Having obtained this option, Davis opened negotiations' with D. A. Langhorne, and on the 2d of August-, 1905, entered into an agreement with him to purchase the
Mr. Holt, as counsel for the Beurys, it is alleged, proposed to Mr. Davis that, instead of selling the land to Langhorne for $27.00 and giving Draús a commission of $2.00 per acre, the sale be made to Langhorne for $25.00 per acre, and that Davis should look to Langhorne for his commissions. This arrangement, however, Davis declined, and thereupon the Beurys entered into a written contract with him as folloAvs:
“In consideration of D. C. T. Davis, Jr., selling for us about 30,000 acres of land and mineral rights to D. C. T. Davis, Jr.,
On the same day the foregoing paper was executed the Beurys entered into a written contract with Langhorne, whereby they sold and agreed to convey to him the said Meadow river lands at the price of $27.00 per acre, and received a $10,000 cash payment as a part of the purchase money. At a subsequent day, Langhorne paid an additional sum of $10,000 on account of this purchase, and called upon the Beurys to furnish him promptly with abstracts of title of the various parcels constituting the Meadow river lands, in accordance with their contract. Davis, as attorney for Langhorne, was then directed and undertook to inspect and pass upon the titles. He found the titles to many of the parcels defective, and called upon the Beurys to make these titles good. The Beurys contended that their contract with Langhorne did not call for a good title, but merely for a good deed, and that they had fully performed their obligation thereunder when they tendered to Langhorne a deed which was good as to form. This proposition was repudiated by Langhorne and Davis, and extensive conferences and correspondence took place between them and the Beurys.
While these negotiations were in progress, the suit was still pending in. the Circuit Court of Fayette county for the settlement of Beurv’s estate, and the creditors had become impatient and the necessity for the sale of the property involved had become urgent. On December 11, 1905, the Beurys served notice upon Davis and Langhorne, that in accordance with their understanding of the terms of the contract of the 4th of August, 1905, they had executed and acknowledged a deed with covenants of general warranty of title, conveying to
“You will farther take notice that said deed is now tendered to you, upon your making the cash payment and executing the notes therein mentioned and described; and you may, out of the cash payment, take up the escrow deeds conveying certain of said lands to the late J. L. Beury,' of which you have had knowledge during these negotiations.
“You w-ill further take notice that, in the event you do not now accept said deed and make said cash payment and execute the said notes, we shall leave the said deed at the Charleston National Bank, in the city of Charleston, Kanawha county, West Virginia, in escrow, until 12 o’clock nobn on Saturday, December 16, 1905, until which time you may take the said deed by paying the said cash payment to the said bank, for us, and executing and delivering to the said bank, for us, the said deferred payment notes mentioned in said deed. And, in making settlement at said bank, the same proposition regarding the taking up of the escrow deeds aforesaid will apply.
“We hereby tender to you the ten thousand dollars paid to A. S. Guthrie, agent, as set forth in said contract of August 4, 1905, the same not having been used for the purposes set forth in said contract. If the said deed is not accepted by you and the cash payment made, and the deferred payment notes executed on or before 12 o’clock noon on December 16, 1905, the said contract of August 4, 1905, will be at an end, and all your rights thereunder shall cease, and we will not thereafter recognize the same as binding upon us.”
It is to be observed that by the contract of August 4, 1905,
It is contended upon the part of appellants, that by reason of the facts we have stated Davis, as the agent of the Beurys, had come to occupy such an attitude toward them and had assumed such relations towards Langho-rne and the subject matter of his agency as renders the contract for the sale of the lands voidable at their election, and precludes him from being entitled to any compensation as their agent.
The record does not show that Davis made a full disclosure of his relations to the transaction to his principals. Those relations should not have been left to conjecture and inference, but Davis should have stated frankly and fully to the Beurys the engagements he had entered into and the relations he had assumed towards Langhorne. Under the option contract of July 8, 1905, Davis stood in no fiduciary relation to the Beurys, but in consequence of an agreement made with Langhorne, to whom he had already agreed upon a sale and transfer of his rights under the option contract at $27.00 per acre, he approached the Beurys and secured the “Commission Contract” of August 4., 1905. He did not disclose to the Beurys that he had already come to an agreement with Langhorne, nor was he under any obligation to disclose that fact to them until he entered into the negotiations which resulted in his becoming their agent for the sale of the lands, to be compensated by them as their agent for that service; but before changing his attitude of optionee — a relation, if not of open antagonism to the Beurys, one which was certainly not of a fiduciary character — to become their agent, thus altering his whole attitude toward the situation, and one imposing the utmost good faith upon him in his dealing's with his principals, he should have explicitly informed them that he had already made a sale to Langhorne at $27.00 an acre. Instead of doing this, his conduct was such as to induce the reasonable belief upon the part of the Beurys that their entering into the “Commission Contract” was a necessary condition to the consummation of the sale to Langhorne. Such may have been the case, but the Beurys were entitled to know the facts, so as to determine how far it was consistent with their interest
Here, then, was a complete identity of interest between Langhorne, the purchaser, and Davis, the agent for the sellers. We have no doubt that it was the duty of Davis to communicate these facts to his principals. It is not enough to say that he thought tfiey were fully advised of all the facts; it is not sufficient to be able to point out circumstances from which an inference may be drawn that the principals or their attorneys at law knew or had means of knowledge. No agent ivas under so high an obligation to impart information appertaining to his own conduct, to his own antagonistic relations to the subject of his agency, as Davis himself was, and nothing short of a full disclosure to his principals will satisfy the duty of good faith which the law imposes upon one so situated.
It is true that he was an agent to sell to an ascertained purchaser at an agreed price, but it was none the less his duty to place his principals in full possession of the facts bearing upon his personal interest in and relations to the subject and toward the prospective purchaser. It may be true that the Beurys suffered no injury by reason of their ignorance of the facts, but the law makes no such inquiry. 'In order to remove temptation from the path of agents, as far as can be done, it stamps, from motives of public policy, all such dealings with the seal of its condemnation.
In Halsey v. Monteiro, 92 Va. 581, 24 S. E. 258, this court, dealing with the duty of real estate brokers or agents, speaks as follows: “An agent to sell cannot become- a purchaser, except after the fullest disclosure to his principal of all facts Which may affect his interest. The relation between the parties is one of trust and confidence, and the utmost good faith is exacted of the agent. He cannot sign a contract for the sale of the principal’s land when he is himself interested as purchaser. If such contract be made by the agent, the principal will not be held to a ratification thereof, except after full knowledge of all the material facts. If these be either suppressed or unknown, the ratification ivili be treated as invalid, because founded in fraud or mistake.”
In Ferguson v. Gooch, 94 Va. 1, 26 S. E. 397, 40 L. R. A. 234, Judge Buchanan, in the course of the opinion, says: “Nothing is better settled than that a man cannot be the agent of both the seller and the buyer' in the same transaction, without the intelligent consent of both. Loyalty to his trust is the most important duty which the agent owes to his principal. Beliance upon his integrity, fidelity, and ability is the main consideration in the selection of agents, and so careful is the law in guarding this fiduciary relation that it will not allow an agent to act for himself and his principal, nor to act. for two principals on opposite sides in the same transaction. All such transactions are voidable, and may be repudiated by the principal, without showing that he was injured. In such cases the.amount of consideration, the absence of undue advantage, and other like features are wholly immaterial. Nothing will defeat the principal’s right of remedy except his own confirmation after full knowledge of all the facts. Actual injury is not the principle upon, which the law holds such transactions voidable. The chief object of the principle is not to compel restitution where actual fraud has been committed,
“It is claimed that it was at that time common for real estate agents in that city to get up syndicates -to buy property in their hands for sale. No such custom or usage is proved, and if it were it could not avail unless it were clearly shown (and it was not), if then, that the members of the syndicate, many of whom did not live in or near Roanoke city, had knowledge of the usage or custom when Powell and Company became their agents. To be secretly in the service of the opposite party, while the agent is acting ostensibly for his principal only, is a fraud upon the latter and a breach of public morals which the law will not permit.”
Speaking of the relation of principal and agent, at section 959 of Pomeroy’s Eq. «Tur., it is said: “Equity regards and treats -this relation in the same general manner, and with nearly the same strictness, as that of trustee and beneficiary.
The same author, at section 1077, treating of the duty of an agent not to assume any position, enter into any relation, or do any act inconsistent with the interests of his beneficiary, states the law as folloAvs: “This rule is of wide application,
Clark and Skyles on Agency, at section 407, is to the same effect: “If an agent is employed to sell or lease property of his principal, he cannot sell or lease, directly or indirectly, to himself, without the principal’s knowledge and consent, or unless his relations with the principal have been terminated. If he does so, the principal may set the transaction aside and recover the propertjq or if sold to a bona fide purchaser compel him to account for the proceeds, and it will be no defense for the agent to show that he acted in good faith, and that the transaction was in fact for the best interest of the principal. The law does not inquire in such a case whether there was any fraud, but gives the principal the absolute right to repudiate the transaction, because it will not allow an agent to take a position which is so inconsistent with his duty to his principal. And this is true notwithstanding the power to sell was executed upon a valuable consideration, paid by the agent. ‘The law does not presume that such a transaction
It is therefore not necessary in this case, either to impute or-to establish actual fraud, but the disability is enjoined and established by law in order to take away the temptation to the commission of fraud. In the statement of facts we have shown that Davis and Langhorne had identical interests in this- whole transaction; that Davis was interested to the extent of one-fourth in the declared object with which the purchase by Langhorne was made — the hope and expectation of being able to sell the land which he purchased at an advanced price — and when a disagreement arose between the parties as-to the proper construction of the contracts between them, Davis appears as the attorney and counsel for the purchaser, and upon objections made by him as to the title, which it seems might have been in great part if not altogether removed, the consummation of the contract for the sale of the land was defeated. The evidence fails to show that there was a full and free disclosure of all these facts and circumstances to the Beurys, and we are of opinion that Davis has not shown himself entitled to the commissions which he claims.
The decree of the circuit court must, therefore, be reversed, the bill of complaint dismissed, and the appellants recover their costs in this behalf expended.
At the first hearing of this case Judge Buchanan was absent, and an opinion was handed down by Keith., P., which was concurred in by all the judges pi’escnt. On the rehearing, Keith, P., adhered to his original opinion and with him Cardwell, J„ concurred. The other three judges concurred in the results only. The opinions are published in the order in which they were delivered.