delivered the opinion of the court:
In December, 1854, this petition in equity was filed in the Logan circuit court, in the name of Hugh Stevenson, suing by M. W Stevenson, his guardian, against George W. Gray, senior, and George W. Gray, junior, and Preston R. Gray, the two last named, who were made defendants by amendment, being the children of George W. Gray and Sarah G. Gray, deceased, the grandmother of the plaintiff, and former wife of Joseph Gray, their grandfather. The object of the petition is to recover a portion of certain estate, real and personal, which the plaintiff claims as one of the heirs of his grandmother, Sarah G. Gray, in right of his deceased mother, one of her daughters by the said Joseph Gray, her deceased husband, but which it is alledged is claimed and held in possession by the defendant, G. W. Gray, senior, in his pretended right as husband of the said Sarah G. Gray, in virtue of a marriage celebrated between them in the state of Tennessee, about the 10th day
The defendant G. W. Gray, sr., demurred, and upon the demurrer the petition was dismissed. In this state of case the facts alledged in the petition are to be taken as true, and such as bear upon the question of the validity and legal consequences of the marriage have been substantially detailed, except that, although the petition does not state the time at whieh Sarah G. Gray died, it may be infer
This case, therefore, presents the very serious and, in this court, novel question, whether at this late period, when one of the parties to the marriage is dead, when more than twenty-four years had elapsed from its celebration before it was impeached, and when the law itself which is relied on as making the marriage void has been repealed, and such marriages can no longer be deemed unlawful, the aid oU the chancellor can be successfully invoked to declare the marriage thus sanctioned by time and the acquiescence of all concerned and of the community, to have been absolutely void, and to annul or disregard all rights claimed under it by the surviving party.
The objection to the marriage is founded on the 91h section of the act of 1798, (2 Statute Law, 1157,) which is as follows: “If any person shall marry within the following degrees, that is to say, if the son shall marry his mother or step-mother, or if the son shall marry his aunt, being his father’s or his mother’s sister, or marry his uncle’s wife, or the father shall marry the son’s wife, &c., &c., every person so unlawfully married shall be separated by the definitive sentence or judgment of a district court or court of quarter sessions ; and the attorney for the district or county, upon complaint being made to him of any such marriage, shall file an indictment against such persons, and upon conviction by due course of law, they, or any of them, shall be fined at the discretion of a jury, and the court shall proceed to give judgment, and, moreover, shall declare such marriage null and void to all intents and purposes; and if the court see fit, may cause the parties so
On the side of the plaintiff it is contended, that the parties having been domiciled in Kentucky, and having gone into Tennessee, not with a view of residing there, or changing their domicil, but for the single purpose of evading the laws of Kentucky by a marriage celebrated outside of her territorial limits, within which they immediately returned, and continued to reside with their property, it would be giving effect to an obvious fraud upon the laws of this state, and in derogation of its sovereignty over its own citizens and their rights and relations, to determine, and especially with regard to property situated from first to last in this state, that if the marriage was valid according to the laws of Tennessee, where it was celebrated, it must also be deemed valid by our law, although in direct violation of its mandates. And it is insisted that by virtue and operation of the 9th section of the act of 1798, as above quoted, the marriage of G. W. Gray with his uncle’s widow should be deemed utterly void, both on the ground of being prohibited under a penalty, and on the ground of being expressly declared or made void.
It is contended on the other side, that as the act of 1798 does not pretend to regulate marriages in other states, even between citizens of Kentucky, and as it is the law in Kentucky, as in almost all other Christian or civilized countries, that a marriage valid by the law of the place or country where it is celebrated, is to be deemed valid everywhere ; this marriage having taken place in Tennessee, where it was lawful, its validity cannot here, any more than there, be impeached on the ground of the particular motives which may have induced the parties to choose that
There could not be a stronger illustration of the diversity of opinion, proving that there is no absolute or universal law of nature prohibiting marriage between the remoter degrees of collateral kindred, than will be found in a comparison of the Virginia statute of 1788, the one just alluded to, and the Kentucky statute of 1798, which, though evidently founded upon it, omits several of the cases denounced by it. And although the case of marrying an uncle’s wife (or widow) is enumerated among the unlawful marriages in our act of 1798, it is, with other cases, omitted in the Revised Statutes of 1852. (Revised Statutes, page 384.) This marriage, therefore, although in view of our statute in force at its date, it may, if celebrated here, have been technically incestuous, did not come within the exception of marriages incestuous by the law of nature, and such a marriage taking place now would not be technically incestuous.
If, as alledged in the petition, the law of Tennessee authorized a marriage license to be issued only by the clerk of that county in which the female resides, this is substantially the provision contained in the 8th section of our own statute of 1798; and we cannot suppose that the statute of Tennessee, any more than our own, intended to prohibit all marriages in that state unless the female party were in the full sense a resident of one of its counties, or that a marriage lawful in all other respects, would, if celebrated there, be deemed invalid by her laws upon the single ground that the female either did not reside in any county of the state, or that she did not reside in that county in which the license was issued. If such a result could not be otherwise avoided, we suppose it might be, at least in a question upon the validity of the marriage, by considering the female as being at the time residing in the county in which she then in fact was, as has been done in this court to sustain the acknowledgment of deeds. In any view, these directory provisions, though prohibitory
We take it, then, that there being no impediment by the laws of Tennessee to the marriage of these parties, the marriage was there lawful and valid, and never could have been impugned in that state, either by the fact that it would have been unlawful in Kentucky, in which the parties were domiciled, or by the suggestion that they had left their own state for the purpose of evading the prohibition of its laws, and availing themselves of the permission of the laws of Tennessee. |As the prohibitory law of Kentucky . would have had no force in Tennessee, the marriage in the latter state must there have created the lawful relation or status of marriage! by which the parties were in law and in fact lawful husband and lawful wife to each other in the state of Tennessee, so soon as the marriage was performed, and continued to be, so long as they remained, and would have been so if, at any time before an. actual divorce, they had returned to that state. And so, if immediately after the marriage they had gone through the other states, and even to Europe, intending all the time te return to Kentucky, they would have been lawful husband and wife in every place, at least in every country where the common law'prevails, because it is a part of that law that being lawful husband and wife at the place of marriage, they continue to be so wherever they may be. In the case of Dalrymple vs. Dalrymple, 2 Hogg. C. R. 54-58, Lord Stowell, assuming that in an English court the marriage must be adjudicated according to the English law applicable to the case, said : “But the only principle applicable to such a case by the English law, is, that the validity of Miss G.’s marriage rights must be tried by reference to the law of the country where, if they exist at all, they had their origin. Having furnished this principle, the law of England withdraws altogether, and leaves the legal question altogether to the law
Our statute of 1798 did not attempt nor profess to give any extra territorial operation to its own provisions or principles, even with respect to the marriage of citizens of Kentucky. And if it may be deemed a fraud upon it, and a contempt of the sovereign authority of the state, for its own citizens tp withdraw momentarily from her territory for the purpose of assuming and bringing back a relation prohibited by her law's, and with thé intention of maintaining that relation openly within her territorial jurisdiction during their joint lives, it would be worthy of consideration by the legislator whether the principles on which the state assumes to regulate marriage may not be better subserved by permitting, even in such case, unless the admitted law of nature be violated, the operation of the general rule which refers the validity of the marriage to the lex loci contractus, than by avoiding it for the sake of vindicating the sovereign authority of the state. And although, with regard to other transactions, a court, even without the express mandate of the legislature, might withhold its sanction from an attempted evasion of the domestic law, and might apply the prohibitions of that law to a contract made beyond the limits of the state, if the parties had designedly crossed those limits for the mere purpose of making a contract which violated their own laws, it does not follow that the same principle should operate with respect to marriage, which is open to far different and higher considerations than those which may be applied
The confusion and uncertainty with regard to the legitimacy of offspring, and the rights of property and succession, are not the only evils which would follow if the validity of a marriage were subject to be tried by the various laws to which the parties
Legislators have shown an unwillingness to require, or even to authorize the disruption of a tie formed under such circumstances, by declaring it to be void because being made in fraud or evasion of the law of the domicil, it may or should be regarded as if made under that law. Much more tender should a court be in bringing to the test of the domestic law, and for the purpose of vindicating its authority, a marriage lawful where it was consummated, and the condemnation of which, while not expressly required by the domestic law, must, if it produce no more distressing consequences, degrade the parties themselves by depriving their connection of the legal sanction with which they intended and supposed it to be invested, and must shame the community itself, and shock its moral sense, by convicting it of having witnessed and countenanced a meretricious union, and cherished in honor the guilty parties. It would confound the sense of right and wrong on a subject on which it is most important that it should be kept pure and distinct, if a mar
We feel bound, however, to say further, that after fully considering the statute of 1798, under all the lights that we have been able to bring to bear upon it, our deliberate conclusion is that if this marriage had taken place in Kentucky, the 9th section of the statute would neither have made it ipso facto void, without a sentence of nullity by a competent tribunal, nor have authorized such a sentence by any court after the death of one of the parties; and that, consequently, if a court of equity could ever have acted directly upon the question, it cannot after the death of one of the parties, and in this collateral proceeding, either pronounce a sentence of nullity or treat the marriage as null, and deny to it all the consequences of a valid marriage. \ If this be so, the question whether the marriage should be taken according to the fact, as a marriage in Tennessee, or as contended for on the part of the plaintiff, must, on account of the alledged fraudulent evasion, be regarded as if made in Kentucky, becomes immaterial, since the marriage not having been avoided during the life of both parties, its validity is now beyond question, and being regarded as valid by our law, it must have the consequences of a valid marriage with respect to the property situated here, and there is no question or conflict between the lex loci contractus and the fea: rei sitae, or between the fea: domicilia and either or both of the others. f
¡ By the law of England as it existed when the present United States were colonized from that country, illegal marriages were either void or voidable. Marriages of the former description required no judicial proceeding for ascertaining and determining
It is to be assumed, then, as a common law principle, that a marriage could not, after the death of one of the parties, be avoided or nullified on account of consanguinity or affinity, and it is not to be doubted that this principle, as well as the distinction between those causes which by the law of England rendered the marriage void, and those which rendered it voidable only, as well as the mode in which the existence and effect of the disability were to be ascertained and adjudged, were well known to lawyers and legislators in Virginia and the other colonies: and the principles which have been referred to were probably not unfamiliar to the mass of intelligent citizens, who, although they may never have witnessed a sentence of nullity by an ecclesiastical court, may be presumed to have understood that all marriages within the Levitical degrees were not necessarily void, and that some judicial proceeding was necessary to declare them so.
We have not been referred to the Virginia legislation on the subject, and in a cursory examination have found no act relating to incestuous marriages of a date prior to that of 1788, before alluded to. In the absence of any ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the subject, legislation was necessary to give the jurisdiction to the civil tribunals. And at any rate, after the change of government, legislation may have been essential for defining the prohibited
It will be seen that this statute, like our own of 1798, contains no express prohibition of the marriages which it describes, but in calling them unlawful, seems to refer to some pre-existing law. And although, from the repealing clause of the statute, there would seem to have been previous statutes, probably before the revolution, relating to incestuous marriages, we cannot assume that these statutes, any more than that of 1788, introduced any new law of prohibition, but may rather assume that all were founded upon and' referred to the Levitical law as practically adopted in England, and that if they did not restrict the prohibitions of that law, they did nothing more than give to it the same effect as in England, by creating a jurisdiction and providing a mode of proceeding in the civil courts, by which it
But waiving any inference founded upon the supposed contents of statutes of which we have no account, we think the acts of 1788 and 1798, bear strong internal evidence that they, or at least that the first, of which the last is substantially a copy, are founded upon the existing law of England relating to marriages within the prohibited degrees. They have for their principal object, after defining the marriages deemed unlawful, to provide, in analogy to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, for such marriages being authoritatively annulled; saving, however, the legitimacy of the issue proceeding from them; and the language used, and every part of the appointed proceeding indicate, the analogy referred to. The separation of the parties by definitive sentence —the declaration of the nullity of the marriage, and the bond against future cohabitation, are usual acts of the ecclesiastical courts, expressed in the phraseology of the same courts, which had also the right to inflict punishment upon the offenders, by penance, at least, and we suppose by fine. And, further, the statutes evidently contemplate and provide for a proceeding against both parties to the marriage, and not against one alone. The end and prominent object of the proceeding, which is to separate the parties who have unlawfully united themselves, is the first and last thing expressed in directing the action of the court. That every person or persons so unlawfully married shall be separated by definitive sentence, does not mean that when the death of one has already separated the married couple, the survivor shall be separated by the sentence of a court; nor, in such a case, could there be. any occasion for a bond against cohabition. And although a declaration of the nullity of the marriage, or that the marriage is or was void to all intents and purposes, might be made after the death of one, or even both of the parties, without absolute or flagrant inconsistency, yet as
But again: each statute expressly directs a proceeding against the persons unlawfully married; and it is only as the result of that proceeding — in Virginia by bill in chancery, and in Kentucky by indictment — that the court is authorized and required to declare the nullity of the marriage. The statute does not itself declare that such marriages shall be null and void, but onty subjects- them to be so declared in a special proceeding, instituted for the purpose of ascertaining the facts and adjudging the legal consequence against both parties, and which, therefore, cannot be instituted with the intended effect after the death of one. It is to be observed, too, that although a discretionary fine may be imposed if the parties be convicted, the statute of Kentucky, as if referring its execution rather to the sentiment than to the duty, either of individuals or the community, does not direct any inquiry for such marriages in the first instance, but waits for a complaint to the public attorney, who, upon such complaint, is directed to file an indictment. A.nd in Virginia, it was only upon information given to the attorney general that he was directed to institute the statutory proceeding for nullifying the marriage.
The only trace which we have found in the Virginia Reports of any judgment of the nullity of a marriage, is in Perryman’s case, 2 Leigh's Reports, 717. That is stated to have been an information against Perryman and wife, the latter having been the wife and widow of his brother. The case described in the statute, (Revised Code, chapter 106,) supposed to
The fact that the present is the only case in which this court has ever been called on to give construction and application to the 9th section of the statute of 1798, if it does not prove that there have been no marriages coming within its operation, tends at least to prove that there have been none of a character which so shocked the public sense of decorum, or otherwise so excited the condemnation of society, as to cause the institution of any direct proceeding against the parties. And although the marriage now brought in question does not accord with our own sense of propriety, it may at least be said that the parties were not related in blood; and there may have been other circumstances which tended, in the eyes of the community, to mitigate or excuse an alliance, certainly unusual, and prima facie unsuitable. At any rate, the long acquiescence of relatives and of the community, are calculated to east some disfavor on the untimely attempt to have the marriage now nullified or treated as void.
It is proper to say that the statutes of Virginia and Kentucky, in declaring that the annulment of the marriage shall not affect the legitimacy of the issue, has removed some of the most weighty considerations which have inclined courts to sustain marriages, under many of the impeachments to which they have been subjected. And there is no doubt that the fact that a sentence of nullity had by the English law the effect of bastardizing the issue, was
Nor do we consider this case as coming within the principle on which a court refuses to sanction or enforce an ordinary contract. Even in the case of ordinary contracts completely executed, the court would rarely, if at all, interpose to deprive one of the parties of its benefits, which he was actually enjoying. And in proportion to the length of time and of acquiescence, so the grounds for such an interposition must be the more weighty and extraordinary in order to justify it. But, as already shown, this is not a case of ordinary contract; and though it be regarded as prohibited under a penalty, it was not absolutely void, because it was not so declared by the statute; and it is not now even voidable, because the statute does not provide for nor intend its being avoided after the death of one of the parties. And being now to be regarded and treated as a valid marriage, whether considered as celebrated in Kentucky or Tennessee, it is also to be regarded as having all the consequences of a valid marriage accord
Wherefore, the judgment is affirmed.