NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit RUTH M. POLLACK, Plaintiff-Appellant, V. UNITED STATES, Defendant-Appellee. 2012»5042 Appea1 from the United StateS C0urt of Federal C1aims in case n0. 11-CV-019, Judge Ge0rge W. Mi1ler. ON MOTION ORDER Ruth M. P011ack moves for a stay of the appeal pro- ceedings. Up0n consideration there0f, IT IS ORDERED THAT2 POLLACK V. US 2 The motion is denied. F0R THE C0URT HAY ll 2 2012 lsi J an H0rba1y Date J an H0rba1y C1erk ccc Ruth M. P0l1ack ° Arnanda L. Tantun1, Esq. S21 u.s.count:!)lFEPPeALsFon THE FEDERAL C\RCUlT NAY 02 2012 JAN l-l0RBAi.V _ CLEBK