NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION, Appellant, V. JOHN MCHUGH, SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, Appellee. 2012-1299 - Appeal from the Armed Services Board of C0ntract Appeals in no. 57583, Administrative Judge John J. Thrasher. ON MOTION ORDER Upon consideration of Sharp Electr0nics Corporation’s ("Sharp") unopposed motion pursuant to Federa1 Circuit Rule BO(a)(E) for leave to include in the appendix certain briefs and memoranda in their entirety, IT Is ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted SHARP ELECTRoNICS v. ARMY 2 FoR THE CQURT 1 4 2012 /S/ Jan Horbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Andrew Wib1e, Esq. Nicholas K. Jabbour, Esq. 325 Fll.en "”‘1$¢%‘%‘§?»€££'1'~.1§%%§€°“ JUN 1 4 2012 .|AN HORBA|.\' CLERK
Sharp Electronics Corp. v. McHugh
Combined Opinion