NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit HORIZON LINES, LLC, Plaintiff-Appellee, V. UNITED STATES, Defendant-Appellant. 2012-1163 . Appeal from the United States Court of International Trade in case no. OS-CV-GOOQ, Judge Evan J. Wallach. ON MOTION ORDER The United States moves without opposition for a 4- day extension of time, until August 6, 2012, to file its combined reply and response brief to the amicus brief. Upon consideration thereof, IT IS ORDERED THATI HORIZON LINES V. US The motion is granted AUG 0 7 2012 Date cc: Evelyn M. Suarez, Esq. Edward F. Kenny, Esq. s21 FoR THE CoURT /s/ J an Horba1 J an Horbaly Clerk .,..,m..rz,aepa THE FEDERAL C!RCUIT AUG 0 7 2012 JANHUHBA|.Y CI.EHK
Horizon Lines, LLC v. United States
Combined Opinion