Appellant was employed as a waitress at the Bardwell Hotel. On March 12, 1977, after an altercation with another employee, she advised the owner that she was giving two weeks’ “formal notice” of intention to leave her employment. The owner told her to think the matter over, and two days later she returned and insisted on giving the employer a two-week notice of termination “as a courtesy.” The employer advised her that she could remain in the employment but that no notice was required or was customary in the trade and that if she was going to leave her employment, it would be terminated forthwith. The appellant left immediately.
The appellant applied for unemployment benefits claiming that she had been wrongfully discharged. The claimant was disqualified from receiving such benefits since the Vermont Employment Security Board found that she left her last employing unit voluntarily without good cause attributable to such employing unit. 21 V.S.A. § 1844 (a) (2) (A). Appellant has appealed this decision.
Appellant argues that we should give a liberal construction to the statutes here involved because of their remedial and beneficial purpose, and we have so held; but it does not follow that every claim for compensation must be allowed where the general policy of the statute does not encompass, it.
From a review of the record, the Board’s finding that appellant was given the choice of remaining on the job or leaving immediately was amply supported, and she chose the latter. Frost v. Department of Employment Security, 135 Vt. 39, 370 A.2d 203 (1977).