Slip Op. 06 - 64 UNITED STATES COURT UFINTERNATIONAL TRADE VWP OF AMERICA, INC., Plaintiff, v. Before: MUSGRAVE, JUDGE THE UNITED STATES, Court No. 93-12-00803 Defendant. l IUDGMENT ORDER Further to the second remand of the Court of Appea1s for the Federal Circuit in VWP of America, Inc. v. Um`ted States, 117 Fed. Appx. ll3, 2004 WL 2676667 (Fed. Cir. 2004), and the parties, following lengthy discussions, having agreed to settle this matter; now, therefore, it is hereby ORDERED that the U.S. Custorns and Border Protection shall reliquidate the entries identified in Schedule A attached hereto on the basis of the appraised values less 17%, and shall promptly refund to Plaintiff the excess duties with interest as provided by law; and it is further ORDERED that each party shall bear its own costs and expenses; and it is further ORDERED that this action is dismissed as settled. /s/ R. Kenton Mus,